The Unraveling

by Lori Anne Hale
Any extra tension on a rope when it begins to fray will cause it to snap from The Unraveling | My Daily Letters - MDL

And so the unraveling has begun, as the braid of this rope was not woven as tightly as the owner had hoped. For this reason, with the force of each tug and pull, the loose ends which were thought to have been securely tucked away have begun to fray, weakening the consistency of its structure.

Yet, isn’t this how it goes when a reputation is not solidly built, and when lies are used to cover corrupt behavior? And though he and his team have tried to avoid answering questions that delve too deeply into his past, nonetheless, the truth about this former Vice President’s misuse of power is coming to light.

However, many of his supporters still aren’t convinced that he used his past position as vice president to enrich not only his personal wealth but also that of his family. There are some who do not care about his tainted history, and plan to vote for his candidacy regardless of how many skeletons are revealed, for these are focused on their own interests, believing he is the one who is looking out for their future. His murky past means little to these individuals, which is why they will remain loyal to him, for these do not relish the idea of another four years with the sitting President as their leader.

So when the excuse is given that the former Vice President will step aside due to his failing health, those who think him to be a good man will continue to ignore the governmental scandal swirling around he and his family, even though the ordinary citizen would find themselves behind bars if found to have used their influence as an elected official to obtain wealth and power. But because those who are seated in the high places of government have written themselves a free pass, when one of these leaders is discovered to have peddled their influence for a large fee, neither they nor their colleagues are usually held accountable, and so the scandal simply fades away.During this season of unrest believers must pray that Gods hand moves swiftly from The Unraveling | My Daily Letters - MDL

Yet right at this moment, the implications against the former Vice President are becoming too much of a liability, as even with the excessive amount of ‘damage control’ being administered, more information about his corrupt past is making its way out into the public square.

Then how can his party hope to reclaim the White House when this chord from his past is quickly unraveling, and the truth about his relationships with foreign nations is coming to light?

Well, certainly any good sailor knows that once a rope begins to deteriorate in this way (when too much tension is placed on it), this chord will most likely snap. And so the one whose name is second on the ticket shall assume first position, for she and her party won’t give up this fight just because the former Vice President was disqualified. Then the hour is fast approaching for this switch to occur, as the reputation of the former Vice President cannot take too many more hits before his façade of being an upstanding citizen falls apart.

But since very few would expect this development so close to the election date, many will be found in a quandary about how to proceed, for nothing like this has happened in all the history of America. However, rest assured that the legal minds on both sides have prepared for this scenario just in case this card is played. And so with the election day looming and the poll numbers revealing the public is now favoring the President, the opposing party is willing to take drastic steps to ensure that he is not reseated in the Oval Office for another term.Americans are being used by political leaders like pawns in a game of chess from The Unraveling | My Daily Letters - MDL

Although this shift will likely cause a great amount of confusion over who actually wins the election, and therefore must be settled in the courts, the opposing party believes this development will serve to increase their likelihood of retaking the presidency.

So then, as predicted, this election shall not be decided at the ballot box, as the politicians on both sides of the aisle have already taken this decision out of the hands of the American citizens, where the right of her people to freely choose their next leader has been obstructed by the “powers that be” in this nation. And because so much uncertainty about the validity of each vote cast has already caused mistrust to form in the hearts of most in the population, a large majority will agree with the decision to fight this battle in court.

However, since the one who shall make the final decision is reportedly right-leaning, some will not trust him to offer a fair ruling over the case. So then during those days when most Americans expect to enjoy the holiday season, their nation shall be embroiled in a heated political fight, one that shall come against the very foundation upon which their country was built.

As a consequence, the days ahead shall hold many challenges for the American people because there are always unforeseen circumstances that occur when politicians use their constituents like pawns in a game of chess. And while these leaders are maneuvering around the political board looking to seize more power, those whom they were elected to serve will wind up suffering hardship in some form or another.

So then, let those who are My own continue contending in prayer that this turbulent season will quickly end and that the hearts of this nation’s populace favor righteousness once again. For a political storm is brewing just over the horizon which is certain to bring severe damage to this nation. But, if those who love Me will remain purposed in their hearts to fight until this battle has ended, they shall see their country return to her former self, where liberty and freedom were not taken for granted, and being patriotic was not held with contempt.

Therefore, pray My hand moves swiftly during these days so that this battle is quickly over, for I have come to restore a sense of solidarity back into this people, and where the tears of division have been mended.

Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight; everything is uncovered and exposed before the eyes of Him to whom we must give account.”  Hebrews 4:13

(Received: 10/21/2020)

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