The Value Of A Penny

by Lori Anne Hale
Outside the Church the practice of exclusion should be left from The Value of a Penny | My Daily Letters - MDL

When a penny loses its shine and has lost its gleam, there is nothing about it that sets it apart from all the other coins in the heap. For whose eye would be drawn to this small disc of copper when it carries no luster?

However, the mark of a penny’s worth is not judged by its outward appearance but by the date stamped with very small numbers into its outer shell; and this is, in part, because of the amount of real copper used when it was minted as currency.

Then looks can be deceiving, for most wouldn’t cast a second glance at a pile of tarnished coinage, seeing no reason to look a little deeper. For who would think within this mound of pennies a treasure could be buried? And since this currency denomination holds little monetary value, some have even been thrown away along with the regular garbage, for who wants to keep this loose change hanging around when it won’t net them much or even make them rich?

So just as a penny spurned is a penny wasted, there are some who have said the same for people. For how often is a person discarded or overlooked simply because their appearance doesn’t measure up to a perceived standard?

Oh how quickly man renders judgment on another without taking a closer look at those he disdains, where the unique qualities found in those thought to be irrelevant are missed. For like so many others, very few would take the time to uncover the treasure buried inside.Based on their own opinions believers should not dismiss anyone from The Value of a Penny | My Daily Letters - MDL

But within the Church this attitude must be dismissed, for My Body was designed to consist of distinct individuals, each created with My purposes in mind, and are therefore specially chosen out of the throngs of mankind to be a part of the brethren.

Then all whom I call sons and daughters should be honored as such, with none being given preferred seating over another, due to status, wealth, or appearance. For the practice of exclusion should be left to those outside of the Church, while more importantly, inclusion must be the behavior practiced amongst My own. However, not as just a form of tolerance for one another, as the atmosphere carried throughout the Church is meant to be filled with genuine love, where true affection is found between those in the fellowship of believers. For when My children gather in this kind of unity, then a full expression of the Church can manifest, where each believer is then found operating in their gifts, building and edifying one another.

Then let all who have been chosen to the elect stand up and be counted, because each of you has a divine purpose for being called. Regard one another as such, and don’t dismiss anyone based on your own opinion, for this kind of shallow thinking belongs to the world. Remember that all those who are Mine were once like a tarnished penny, yet have been restored and wiped clean so they shine as if brand new.

So don’t let another’s outer appearance deter you from accepting them into My fold, nor cause you to devalue their standing and anointing amongst your gatherings, where the use of their gifts is discouraged or considered subpar simply because these don’t fit the societal mold set by believers and leaders in the Church.

Remember, you were once like a bad penny that deserved to be thrown into the fire. Know that if it weren’t for My hand which reclaimed you, each one who is now considered My child would be buried in the heap of humanity, those who are still lost to sin.

“My brothers and sisters, practice your faith in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ by not favoring one person over another. For example, two men come to your worship service. One man is wearing gold rings and fine clothes; the other man, who is poor, is wearing shabby clothes. Suppose you give special attention to the man wearing fine clothes and say to him, “Please have a seat.” But you say to the poor man, “Stand over there,” or “Sit on the floor at my feet.” Aren’t you discriminating against people and using a corrupt standard to make judgments?” James 2:1-4

(Received: 11/7/2020)

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