The Winds Of Change

by Lori Anne Hale
Challenges in our lives promotes the change God is doing from The Winds of Change | My Daily Letters - MDL

When the winds of change blow across the land, there is a cleansing effect which happens as the old is pushed out, making way for the new I wish to be ushered in. For this hearty gust is not something meant to cause worry as it carries within it the seeds of the future.

This is why change must come into each life, must be felt and seen, evidenced as something tangible, providing the benchmarks for growth. Just as a child’s healthy progress is measured, in part, through his height, with each year recorded by a tick mark on the wall, giving a visual remembrance of the process, so it is the same for My children, except I use challenges as the marker for advancement. The placeholder: a memory to remind them of where they have been so they might recognize the eternal expansion going on inside, and see the maturity their inner man has known; not because I desire their thoughts to remain in the space of the past (as forward is the only direction I am leading), but to showcase through experience just how far they have come.

Yet, it would be so easy for My children to forget the journey already traveled unless I had provided these mental mileposts along the way, affording them moments of choice where they were able to step into the “more” being offered at that time, embedding a measure of faith deep inside them, with reflection held as the way for them to calculate their inner stride; seeing through comparison the advantages gained from each previous challenge, so that when they recall those difficult parts of our journey they will not be garnered as pointless, seeing the fruit which has developed.

For this reason alone answers the questions that arise when change is present. It is always about moving out the old man’s ideas to create the opening for a shift to be established, one that will set the stage for the “new” I am doing.

Oh, how quickly some of My children are apt to settle into one place or another, desiring a comfortable space to remain, not wanting to be bothered with growth. Yet, My heart is ever patient as I wait for them to be ready. And so I will persist with gentle nudges, hoping to get their attention, as a loving reminder that all of My intentions are generated from goodness. Therefore, the motivation behind the actions I encourage could only ever be seen for their benefit (should they choose to comply with an affirmative to My requests).Our best intentions are always present in everything God does from the Winds of Change | My Daily Letters - MDL

However, their inner man will want to quarrel, saying, “…a shift seems rather unnecessary, and would certainly involve extra effort be taken with steps of faith that could result in failure.” But when I stir up change, it’s about leaving behind immature thinking, for what I am promoting goes beyond the natural comforts of living (meaning My focus is never drawn to the material things of this world).

Though My way of inducing transformation is by affecting man’s surroundings, his best interests are always My target while renewing his inner man. Since I AM the perfect marksman, there is never any concern about My aim, or whether My sight has been correctly aligned, for I have never once missed where I am pointing.

Then when the pressures of change fill the atmosphere around you, do not become weary in your heart and despise it. Instead, shift your focus from what’s going on around you, over onto the internal flow of My Spirit, for this is the only place of change that truly matters, and is the main reason for the existence of any challenge.

So embrace each change as it comes as opportunities I’ve provided to take monumental strides of faith. Then, when you look back over your days, what you will see won’t bear any resemblance to your former ways. For when My adjustments are accepted, each of My children can expect to experience something magnificent.

The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.”  John 3:8

(Received: 11/26/2018)

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