Then And Only Then

by Lori Anne Hale
A soul can only be eternally secured through Christ from Then And Only Then | My Daily Letters - MDL

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There are those who think they are saved that, still in their hearts have yet to know redemption, and so remain unchanged, for absent is a true conversion though they uttered what, on the surface, appeared to be a true profession of faith. Then just as My Son foretold in the Scriptures, not everyone who calls Me “Lord” shall enter My Kingdom, for only the truly saved are permitted to cross over that eternal threshold.

Therefore, though someone may live a morally correct life, or be devoutly religious unless the blood of Christ has been poured out over that person’s life, they will not be counted amongst the redeemed, as righteousness is found in Him alone, and cannot be earned no matter how ethical the individual. So to think that simply because a life is guided by a principled or religious code of conduct that these pious souls are ‘Heaven bound’ is to be misguided, as those who follow this form of logic have disregarded their sin, for only those who have been cleansed of every iniquity can hope to dwell forever in My Presence.

Know then that man possesses nothing to save himself, nor can he, through his good behavior, cancel out his unrighteousness; which is the reason I sent the Savior, as it was His sacrifice alone that brought the gift of reconciliation to the whole world. Yet this transformative power cannot be applied unless accepted by a heart that is truly contrite, filled with sincere repentance.

The unregenerate can, therefore, have no place at My table, nor shall they join the banquet feast that awaits My true children. The performing of religious acts, or doing good works in My name, does not gain anyone entrance into that glorious celebration which is to come, as this door has been barred shut to all those who have not followed the path of salvation. So, to again say you practiced charitable acts in My name, or subscribed to the tenants of a virtuous lifestyle will not unlock this gate, for it is only the atoning blood of the Savior that can blot out the stain of sin, thereby granting full entry into My Kingdom realm.

Do not think your soul is secure because you ascribed to some form of religious tradition, or lived morally upright. For without asking My Son to be Lord of your life and then following after Him, your eternal future is indeed grim.

So while it is still today, and there is yet time, repent! Seek My forgiveness for all of your transgressions, and then acknowledge My Son, Christ the King, to be your Lord and Savior. For then, and only then, will you be known by your Heavenly Father, and permitted to join the ‘marriage supper of the Lamb’: that glorious feast that is reserved for all those who are found in Him.

“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.”  Matthew 7:21-23

(Received: 11/16/2021)

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