Then Say I

by Lori Anne Hale
Upon the Church God is calling for reformation to come from Then Say I | My Daily Letters - MDL

Be roused you who slumber, be roused, for your Warrior King has sounded the call to arms. It’s time for the army of the Lord to assemble, yet not in the current formation, for I am calling forth a new configuration to My ranks which marches to the beat of an ancient drum.

Then say I: The passivity found in you who are known as the Church will not do. For I created you to be more than conquerors, yet even still you recline in your seats, though a battle is raging around you. So then keeping with the status quo shall render you virtually ineffective. And even though, in the past, some strides have been made toward My Kingdom expansion, this shall not be the case by you remaining ‘as-is’.

Then with the contentment of a coddled child still sucking upon its mother’s breast do you sit, unwillingly to eat the heartier meat of righteousness, and as such, are stunted in growth and maturity. 

Indeed, then say I: Reformation must come upon the Church! For in order to become the warring vessel that she was designed to be, she must undergo a recalibration from stem to stern, and as such, the current operating manuals that are prevalent throughout My Body must be fully discarded, as these have only become like heavy anchors weighing down her down. Verily I say unto you: This cargo of religiosity must be cast overboard so that the Church can function as she ought! (So entrenched is she in the rigidity of corporate structure that her maneuverability has been stymied, leaving her wide open for enemy attacks.)

It’s time to streamline her hull so that she once again cuts through the seas of adversity with relative ease, for I am done with this oversized, bloated machine that has now become the Church. Therefore say I: Crawl out of your bunks, for you were not called to be passengers reclining on deck, but soldiers, who are always at the ready to answer their Commander’s call and enter into battle!

Then say I: Some dismantling must come upon My Body! For many of you hold to legalistic beliefs that sound Scriptural but are actually ungodly because these ideas originated from a religious spirit which only ever seeks to put My children in bondage. Stop lazing about, as by now you should be teaching the new recruits how to fight, yet you yourselves are still in need of basic training. You have been lulled into a state of complacency and would rather be entertained than actually undergo the rigorous process required to become valiant warriors in My ranks.

Then say I: Be roused, be roused, or ill-equipped shall you be when My army advances, and so you shall be left behind!

“Anyone who lives on milk, being still an infant, is not acquainted with the teaching about righteousness. But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil.” Hebrews 5:13-14

(Received: 9/25/2022)

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