There Is No Middle Ground

by Lori Anne Hale
On the issue of abortion believers must pick a side from There Is No Middle Ground | My Daily Letters - MDL

Let Me make My position clear on this topic of abortion so as to erase any confusion amongst the elect. This abhorrent practice is a direct affront to My Sovereignty, as each human being is created in accordance with My Divine Will. Therefore, anyone who claims a woman has the right to end her child’s life, stands in direct opposition to My Lordship. 

See then, there exists no middle ground for anyone to hold concerning this matter of abortion. For the life developing in the womb has the same intrinsic value as does the mother. A human being is still a human being regardless of its size or physical appearance, as it is an individual’s nature, or rather, their internal qualities that truly determines one’s personhood.

Ah then, have those been fooled who believe the rhetoric which portrays legalized abortion as simply an effective measure to safeguard the lives of women. For surely is there a more diabolical plot buried just beneath the surface of this lie, as it is through the murdering of the unborn that the enemy has sought to delay the unfolding of My Will. Yet is he unable, on his own, to usurp My Authority, and thus has he enlisted the help of mortal man. For it is through these free will agents that My will progresses forward, and so is the enemy searching about for those he can persuade to partner with this twisted scheme, believing that by killing off the preborn will ensure a delay to his inevitable end, thereby forestalling his eternal punishment.

Then it would appear this abhorrent practice of abortion has eternal implications, as it is not simply the “here and now” that is impacted each time this decision is made, as surely with each life aborted does there exist the potential to hinder certain aspects of My Will from unfolding, thus pushing back a bit further the enemy’s inescapable end (which is the reason there is the possibility of many more generations to come before My Sons return, for as I have said in my Word, the final trumpet will not sound until My Will is accomplished in the earth).

Though this practice of abortion is, in itself, a heinous act, coupling that with the enemy’s evil agenda, where countless lives have been sacrificed for him, makes the murder of the preborn even that much more sinister and vicious, as he does not care whose life is destroyed in this quest to save his own skin. 

Then let it be understood that the enemy cannot force anyone to yield to his will, which is the reason he leans so heavily on the power of suggestion. For this method of persuasion has proven quite effective in motivating man to enact his wicked plans for him, and as such, has the tally of abortions over the decades continued to rise.

So while it is expected for the lost to be easily deceived by the enemy and fall into agreement with his lies, with My own this should not be so! For you have been equipped to discern good from evil, as indeed does Holy Spirit dwell within you, guiding you into all truth. Therefore, none who belong to Me should be found aligning even in the slightest with this practice of abortion, for there is not a single reason that can justify the murdering of innocent life regardless of what anyone says, whether that be family, friend, or elected officials. For I have stated it clearly in the Scriptures that the shedding of innocent blood is an abomination in My sight.


“There are six things that the LORD hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers.”- Proverbs 6:16-19


(Received: 6/20/2023)

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