These Turbulent Days

by Lori Anne Hale
Even in times of famine believers are to remain open-handed from These Turbulent Days | My Daily Letters - MDL

Where have the mobs gone, then believers would do well to ready themselves for these turbulent days, for surely a season of unrest is about to occur in this country like never before, causing an even higher level of fear to fill the hearts of her citizens. Like an explosion, the unrest shall erupt, for those in this mob have not gone away but are waiting in the wings until they receive orders to unleash an all-out assault upon this land and her people.

Because the violence and looting shall encompass a broader scope of the country, many businesses will shut down prematurely, out of concern they could lose their livelihood. This will cause widespread panic to fill the hearts of the public, creating another round of consumer shortages. And with many goods now being outsourced to a certain foreign nation, one that does not favor the President, the distribution of products shall slow and become limited, creating empty shelves and lines to form outside stores once again. Although some communities won’t be hit with mob violence, they will still be affected by this breakdown in the supply chain.

Yet, I do not want My children driven by fear that leads to hoarding, but instead, let them, with wisdom and prudence, consider what is about to befall this nation. They should, therefore, ready their households so that they are able to help those in their neighborhoods who shall surely know lack.

Then, just as I revealed to Joseph that a famine was coming to Egypt, so too, am I showing My children what lies just ahead. Let My own prepare today for tomorrow. Let them understand this season of civil unrest is just before them, which means they should not delay in their preparation, for great shall be the need in America. Then, those who have the ability to add to their storehouses should not hesitate to increase what they already hold, so that when someone in want crosses their path, not only can the physical need be met, but also the spiritual disparity known in their soul can be made whole.In America a season of unrest shall cause food shortages again from These Turbulent Days | My Daily Letters - MDL

Those who were incensed, and spoke with vitriolic language making claims because they were certain that the people of this nation, as a whole, are a prejudiced lot seeking to keep those with darker skin at a disadvantage?

What has suddenly changed in this country and amongst her people to cause the rioting and looting to end? Have these had their anger appeased because the overall population of America is now living in a harmonious state, where there is no longer a racial divide to be found? Or, is there some other reason that has caused the streets across this nation to quiet down?

Sadly, those who ran through communities burning and looting still hold the same belief, which is that this country they live in is unevenly yoked with an unfair bias towards any who do not have a lighter complexion. And because this conviction is prevalent within their hearts, it won’t take much to see them march out into the public square again and begin another spree of violence.

So in the coming days, the leaders who direct this mob shall give the signal to rain destruction upon the businesses and homes of America, for the upcoming election results shall be the reason behind this revolt.The needs of their neighbors should be a believers first concern during These Turbulent Days | My Daily Letters - MDL

The Church in this nation shall be challenged to live out their faith by standing upon the Truth they have been taught and read about in the Scriptures. While some will be tempted to only care for themselves, it is My will that believers give from their lack without fear of tomorrow, for I shall amply supply for all who put their trust in Me.

Therefore, take seriously these words and heed this warning, for a drastic change is about to interrupt the economic flow of American life, one so forceful that very few can escape being caught in its shift. For this reason, I am giving My own these instructions, for I do not want the Church to be caught off guard (though some will disregard My words and be found in distress right along with the unbelieving in this nation).

So unlike Y2K or the Mayan calendar predictions (which originated from man’s faulty understanding), these words foretelling civil unrest should be taken as a real threat, for the One who knows all has foreseen this happening. Then fill your pantries and cupboards with useful supplies, and like the widow who had very little, I will stretch the oil and meal you hold in your hand, which is why you needn’t fear sharing with another. Then remain open-handed even when you see this great shortage, for it is through these days of famine that the opportunities to share your faith shall be abundant.

Let My children be the Church by living as Christ, who had no worries about tomorrow, for He knew His life was safely tucked in His Father’s hand, and that I would supply what He needed each day He walked upon this earth.

So live as Christ, without care for your own bodies, but let your concern rest upon those who are perishing around you, and ask Me to show you how to reach these souls who live in your communities, for it is during this season that a great harvest is meant to spring forth. Therefore, My children, ready yourself and your households with this in mind, for I have set each of you in this nation for such a time as this!

And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” Esther 4:14

(Received: 10/19/2020)

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