This Evil Uprising

by Lori Anne Hale
Its not just a few, but up to every believer to pray for this nation and against This Evil Uprising | My Daily Letters - MDL

It is the responsibility of the Beloved to pray for this nation. For though some may disagree with the direction she is heading, unless they walk with Me, they do not possess the authority to change her current trajectory.

There is still hope for this country, as the effectual prayers of My own will cause a swift and sudden shift to happen, where a drastic turn of events changes the outcome of both the physical and spiritual battles being fought right now on her soil. So with boldness let them come into My house, and with rejoicing in their hearts let My own make their petitions known; for truly the victory is assured because the battle belongs to Me.

However, to see the defeat of their enemies, My own must join with Me in the fight, for this unified front will overturn the enemy’s plans and keep this nation from complete ruination. My own should take seriously the importance of their role in this current campaign, for their prayers make the difference in the final resolution.

Wasn’t it said long ago that if My people turn to Me and pray, I would heal their land? The truth of this statement has not changed. I am still willing and able to divinely impact any nation, country, or region, when those who are believers come to Me with humble hearts, and ask for My intervention. My own should, therefore, hold a fixed gaze and keep their eyes focused My direction, for they will soon witness the miraculous as I drive out the enemy and release deliverance across this nation, swooping in on My white winged steed to reclaim what rightfully belongs to My children.

So even when the battle intensifies and it seems a defeat is more likely than a victory, My own needn’t fret, because physical appearances can be misleading. And since theirs is a limited view, they cannot perceive the whole fight. But because I have a clear understanding of the enemy’s complete strategy, My own can bet that their odds of winning are 100%. Those who put their trust in Me aren’t preoccupied with worry about losing, for they have learned that when I am leading the charge, the sounds of triumph ring through the air.

Because a remnant of the Beloved have turned their faces towards Me, even a tidal wave is no match for the might of My hand, as I have the power to block the enemy’s attacks as he moves across this land; for I mean to save this nation and free her from his oppressive grip. Then let My own not be mistaken: to retake the land that has been stolen means streams of continued prayers must be lifted towards heaven, as larger waves of adversity, which have the capacity to bring mass devastation, are building just off the shorelines of this country. 

When will the enemy learn, that when it comes to My army (those who are like minded in purpose) it is useless to pick a fight, for he is defeated even before the battle has begun. So if this conflict, which he started, is nothing more than an exercise in futility, why does he continue with this battle?

Although the enemy knows the sentence over his head is final, the reason for his persistency is that the desire to rule the universe has not left him. And because his power is limited, he seeks to form evil alliances with the hearts of mankind. And so he roams the earth, searching out those who are weak minded and hungry for power: those who can easily be manipulated by his lies: those who will implement his plan to dominate the world.

Therefore, My own would do well to remember this: that their true enemy is not made of flesh and blood: meaning those in their streets, communities, and nation who are revolting against this republic, are not the real foe, and therefore should not be treated as such. Then, as a result, when My children see the escalation of adversity rising up across this country, and because they look at this battle from the vantage point of the supernatural, their hearts won’t be consumed with anger at those who have made a compact with the devil. My children should also not be phased when they witness increased violence on the streets, or feel the oppressive hand of the government tighten, but must resolve to stay in this battle until they see the enemy wave the white flag of surrender.

Believers must continue to pray to see this country remain free from This Evil Uprising | My Daily Letters - MDL

For this reason, My children must understand what is coming, so that, in the days ahead, when the seasonal temperatures are often unbearable, they are ready for the enemy when he strikes with an even harder blow. These should fortify their inner man now before the heat of this battle escalates. For though in the physical it appears things are starting to die down, this does not mean the conflict is finished. Let My own stay ever watchful, for the enemy hopes to lull My soldiers into a more relaxed state, so that he can take greater ground with a surprise attack.

Don’t grow weary of this battle, My good soldiers. For though you can’t see it yet in the natural, the enemy has had to regroup and pull back his lines, because he had forgotten the damage that just a few from My army could do to his forces. However, he is preparing to send in a legion of his most sinister and manipulative demons to bring another wave of attack on this nation.

And yet, achieving total victory (though not a difficult conquest for Me) does require a contingent of committed soldiers: those who have dedicated their hearts to this cause: those that can see what defeat would mean for, not only themselves, but the country as a whole.

To those amongst My children, those good soldiers who have already lined up in formation, “Stay positioned and don’t step back, even when you hear the snarling sounds of the enemy’s troops on every side!” For his next attack will be an all out campaign meant to frighten even the most seasoned soldier.

Then ready your shields and position your armor so that, when it comes, it is the last and final clash of this current campaign. For though today he may retreat, there will be future attacks in the generations ahead because he will never stop trying to destroy this nation. My own would be wise to note, however, that the reason he was able to muster so much strength on this soil is because this generation of believers became lazy, and weren’t paying attention to the signs that an attack was imminent.

Therefore, let My children be put on notice that they are charged with the task of guarding the sovereignty of this nation, and as such, must stay vigilant in their care of her spiritual borders. For who else has the authority to protect this ground?

Remember, it is the strength and resolve of My army that will safeguard this nation’s future. The onus of protection falls on the shoulders of every believer who calls this country home, and who should, daily, address her spiritual borders in their prayers. Then don’t slough off this charge as belonging to another, for each believer has been issued this command. (Even those who dwell on foreign soil have the similar order to pray for the country they live in.)

So, to My good soldiers, those who are positioned on the offensive, “Lift your shields and keep advancing”, for I want the length of this battlefield shortened just enough so that when this insurgency of sinister, manipulative demons comes charging, they will run right into the trap we have set: the one that will put a stop to the enemy’s current plan to takeover America. 

Then, none of My own should be afraid of what is coming next, and say in their hearts, “It’s too late, God has abandoned us!”, for I shall arrive at the perfect time and lay waste to this evil uprising. 

“David answered, “You come at me with sword and spear and battle-ax. I come at you in the name of God-of-the-Angel-Armies, the God of Israel’s troops, whom you curse and mock. This very day God is handing you over to me. I’m about to kill you, cut off your head, and serve up your body and the bodies of your Philistine buddies to the crows and coyotes. The whole earth will know that there’s an extraordinary God in Israel. And everyone gathered here will learn that God doesn’t save by means of sword or spear. The battle belongs to God—he’s handing you to us on a platter!” 1 Samuel 17:47

(Received: 7/1/2020)

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