This Prosperous Nation

by Lori Anne Hale

Existing above the poverty line of other countries is where most American's live in This Prosperous Nation | My Daily Letters -MDL

The avarice of the flesh has a strong pull, for it leads a person’s heart to dark places within its tow, as those who succumb to its voice are driven to accumulate more and more. Because this internal need is never satisfied (as “not enough” pushes a person to obtain a fortune of substantial size), “excess” then becomes the goal so that the individual who has partnered with this greedy voice builds his life on a structure of affluence and riches.

So then, what befalls a country that is prosperous, where its people are chasing after the ideals of the wealthy, and where many who live there partner with the fantasy of becoming more than rich someday? Since the freedoms known in this nation have made the path to achieving this aspiration more than just a fanciful notion, many of its residents have lived well above the poverty lines found in the rest of the world. And though most of those who dwell here may not live in mansions, yet because they are citizens of this prosperous nation, their existence is a far cry better than even those who live just outside of its borders. 

But what is to happen when the people of this country know so much comfort and ease? Has this liberty driven the mass of its population towards what really matters in life, or, are the majority focused on the unimportant and superficial things of this world? Since those who live here are given the right of choice not found in other regions, the freedoms endowed when this nation was established should not be taken for granted. Yet, the driving force in a great number of this populace is aimed towards having a more opulent lifestyle, for the message being delivered through the voices they listen to promotes the lie that “the one with the most treasure is the happiest”. And now, because many of the younger generation have never known any real hardship, they too have adopted this materialistic mindset, with quite a few from this age group holding an attitude which demands that they should be given more privilege…simply for being born.

So then, what’s to come of this prosperous nation when those who are young mature and become the ones leading the country? What will be expected of its citizens then, when those who think they deserve more privilege are in charge?

For right now amongst those in leadership, this idea of entitlement is being pushed as a method for getting more youth involved with politics. However, because the underlying reasons driving this message (which are to take more control over this nation) have their roots in a selfish agenda, those pushing this rhetoric are blinded to the future damage that comes from creating such a self-serving attitude among its citizens. For like a spoiled child who is never taught self-control or generosity, the generations to come, having embraced this covetous ideology as true, will think nothing of causing hardship and suffering for their fellow man if it means obtaining what they believe should rightfully belong to them.The younger generations of this country need to be taught about the true freedoms of This Prosperous Nation | My Daily Letters - MDL

Therefore, when what is considered a “right” puts another in a form of bondage, where the burden of fulfilling its charge falls on someone else’s shoulders, then this is not true liberty at all, for the freedom of another is never in question when a real “right” is asserted. And so, how much independence has already been taken away from this populace, when so many are duped into embracing laws which sound promising and claim a better life will come through its restrictions and demands?

Yet, little by little, as this prosperous nation develops a more “progressive” bent, those who are now being raised up are taught that the key to their success comes through reliance on the government. However, what those who are young cannot see is that greed is really driving the ideals of entitlement held by some in charge. So then, these leaders, who are compelled by this need to control others, invent new reasons to grab at the purse strings of each citizen. And though the rationale for adding more taxes sounds reasonable, the motive of these leaders is still insincere.

But because the young have no remembrance of a life with more financial abundance known by previous generations, living a restrictive existence will become the new normal to them. And since comfort and ease appeal most to the immature, the entitlements promised by their leaders appear to be logical, as something everyone should be given as a privilege simply because they exist.

Therefore, the tide running through this prosperous nation has an eastward pull towards its capital, as those who live within its borders are caught in the river of governmental greed where many of its leaders no longer consider life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness as the rights of every individual. But because these freedoms were established at this nation’s founding, stripping them away is out of the question; which is why a more subtle approach has been taken, so that the people themselves will, through their votes, remove these innate rights by their own hands.When God's children speak the Truth, it has the power to break chains of bondage in This Prosperous Nation | My Daily Letters - MDL

Woe to those who cannot see that these fundamental privileges were given to every person alive and that protecting these inborn freedoms should be a common goal of humanity! Oh, how easy it is for mankind to trade-in his independence when prosperity and convenience become the intention, and how unfortunate that, before he knows it, instead of flourishing, a man’s life is boxed in with laws that diminish his existence. Therefore, those in this prosperous nation should understand where their country is headed! For unless they turn away from relying on the institutions of government as their main source for health and happiness, they will soon see their lives absent the basic liberties which were divinely given to them.

Since the role of this government, when it was created, was to uphold My everlasting standards for its people, all who exist under its flag have the possibility of pursuing a promising future. But be aware that, unless the hearts of this nation return to these initial tenets, a time will come when very few will even remember what it means to have these basic freedoms.

So then, the action to be taken now is: every law should be struck down that aims to leverage more power over its people, regardless of the benefits it boasts once enacted. For when man wants to rule over his fellow man, his appeal for dominion will always, at the time, sound reasonable, but, after he is given permission to take charge, his true colors of greed will easily become visible. 

Therefore, those who live in this prosperous nation should listen to this warning: That unless a concerted effort is made to teach the younger generations about “True Freedom”, then the humanistic weeds that have already sprung up will soon take over and cover this land, choking out the broad fields filled with liberty, where every life born under its stars and stripes are given the opportunity to chase after their dreams. For since these sovereign rights were not given from man to man, but were bestowed upon humanity by their Creator, then it is the hand of those who desire greed and power that will limit another’s ability to live freely.

Then those who understand that I am the true source of their liberty, must speak up and set the record straight so that the generations to come are not found living a deficit lifestyle borne out of the bondage created by institutional philosophies. For when the Truth is spoken by My children it has the power to break every chain, even those shackles formed and instated by the greed of a governmental system.

“Then you will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free.” John 8:32

(Received: 11/5/2019)

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