Those Whom I Love

by Lori Anne Hale
Circumstances are not a challenge for any God refers to as Those Whom I Love | My Daily Letters - MDL

I am the One sure thing, the only true King, the Maker of heaven and earth, the Creator of all that would be; The One who vanquished the enemy and removed the power from all of his schemes, who took the world from the brink of utter darkness through the saving light of salvation’s path.

This is who I am!

I established the covenant of grace, then put it into effect so all could be unified to Me, and know the oneness of being joined to My Spirit in the uninterrupted state of well-being, with their soul safely set beyond the reach of sin’s evil clutches, kept far from the grasp of the adversary and his evil forces.

Though trouble may be found in this life, with a struggle or two wanting to hold your attention, the thing to remember is that I have overcome every problem by demolishing the strength of every barrier through the blood of My Son, the one known to you as “Savior”.

For now, what obstacle can withstand the might of My hand as it moves through the lives of My children? What blockade, when constructed, is able to maintain its structure when I push against it? Apart from Me, there is no sound assembly to be found no matter the frame of the architecture. I can easily remove any hindrance built as an obstruction, for none presents even the slightest challenge against My abilities and sound reasoning. Because of My view, the scope I hold of each problem goes much deeper than just a cursory evaluation (which would dictate a certain course of action be taken with little consideration given to its effectiveness). So, if I am stationed beyond man’s understanding, why look to anyone else for the solution? Does he not see this will only lead to useless effort and possibly complicate matters?

What I bring to the table are verdicts which deliver ideal results every time; always found in the right judgment, silencing any arguments to the contrary, thus nullifying all objections presented by the enemy, proving again the stability of My hand (which is never shaken by fear nor overwhelmed with distress). My decisions are evenly calibrated to meet the needs of each challenge facing those whom I love, functioning with the proper degree of correctness so that these can stand firm in the confidence that “I am” who I say “I am”, and will continue to be this beyond what man knows as “the end”.All of our problems have already been overcome as one of Those Whom I Love | My Daily Letters - MDL

“Perfect” is who I AM and will always be, without any conquest too big for Me to subdue, or foe too powerful for Me to defeat; establishing Me in the place of “Supreme” for all of eternity; reigning with the divine authority of My immutable nature, making all other influences subject to My will.

When I determine what the outcome will be of a battle, who is left with the fortitude to offer a real threat, or develop a strategy to outwit Me? The enemy and his cohorts have already been soundly defeated, removing forever his ability to boast of himself as the victor. So, now all his energy is spent fortifying his defenses, hoping to keep those whom I love from experiencing breakthrough and full freedom.

Though some of My children speak of knowing Me and comprehend a great deal of theology, they are still subdued by some of the enemy’s lies; held captive with his evil techniques, having forgotten the invincible transaction made on the Cross (which took all the potency out of the enemy’s attacks). For his accusing words no longer carry any sting and his barbed reproach is nothing more than a falsity. Yet, those whom I love cannot see he has duped them into believing less than the full truth about Me. So, these settle for life only partially lived because their understanding of who I am has been diminished with the fabricated stories told by the enemy.

So then, when one of those whom I love encounters an obstacle, they doubt I have the real power to come through or think that I am disinterested in their struggle, allowing the enemy to hem them in with resistance (as if they were standing in the middle of a reinforced circle with barriers blocking their every move). But what those whom I love need to understand is that these hindrances are not real and are only a mirage, set to look as if the way is closed off, inaccessible for use, without a detour of any sort offered. The enemy’s objective is to keep those whom I love from being effective in their calling by tricking them into rendering themselves useless because they’ve agreed with what he is saying.

To these, I would say, “Do Not believe him!”. For he has presented a false narrative, altering your perception of reality, thus leading you to have misconceptions about Me.

Hear Me! Because you are a child of My kingdom, you have been given permission to exert My authority over every circumstance. Now, you are no longer subject to the enemy’s opinions of how your life should go, or the direction you are to take in any given situation. Do not give him the room to speak his negative views to you! Once those whom I love take this kind of stance, all the places thought of as impenetrable will begin to fall away, one by one, leaving them standing in the wide-open space of cohabitation; the one I designed for them to occupy with Me throughout this lifetime, where there is nothing left to hamper the way of becoming who I created them to be.

“Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and overall the power of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt you. ”  Luke 10:19

(Received: 2018)

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