Time To Wake Up

by Lori Anne Hale
Through this season of adversity God is shaking the Church out of her slumber as a Time to Wake Up | My Daily Letters - MDL

Then shall come a mighty shake: a jolt that will wake My Church from her slumber.

For indeed she has been lazing about, greedily feasting at My table; ingesting My bread and hoarding every scrap for herself. So it is no wonder, then, that in this nation there is a spiritual famine as the lost are being starved of My goodness, while those who have been liberally given have kept their portions to themselves.

So while the Church happily sat at My table enjoying the bounty of meaty teaching, those who should have been invited to join the banquet were not even offered a chair, leaving these, whose names are on My guest list, without even a morsel or crumb of the Truth to see them through this season of despair.

This is the reason why they have accepted the enemy’s offer to eat the scraps he throws in their direction: those moldy and rotting pieces of garbage he has convinced them are beneficial to their lives; giving them a false sense of satisfaction within. Yet, in reality, these have inhaled a handful of lies without ever really knowing what it means to feel true contentment in their hearts. And as a result of having been fed nothing substantive, they are slowly dying inside because what the enemy passes off as healthy and nourishing is nothing but fabrications disguised as truth.

Therefore, My Church should not be surprised by the condition of this country today. For while they gathered for their weekly banquets and small feasts, most of their communities were being taken over by the enemy, as My own have placed too much attention on what is happening during Sunday services, and not enough focus on the condition of the field they were assigned to harvest.

I have, however, been very aware of the overgrowth of weeds, and the parched soil that now covers this nation. Yet because My heart is ever gracious, I’ve allowed this season of adversity to come upon their land to wake My Church from her dazed state, having lost sight of her one Commission, which is to make disciples of all nations. This is why a shift must come within her flow, because the direction she was headed has caused separation, where My own set themselves behind the walls of their houses of worship and have done little to impact their communities in a meaningful and lasting way.

The enemy has taken over her communities while the Church has been slumbering so Time to Wake Up | My Daily Letters - MDL

So then, the platforms, and larger gatherings have been suspended for some time. For the way in which I want My children to invest their efforts is on focusing closer to their own households, where an intentional effort is placed on building My Kingdom in their neighborhoods and local communities, so that what has been poured into them is generously poured out upon their neighbors; as most who sit at home behind their doors need a good dose of the hope which My own carry. 

Then, let My children not be filled with the anticipation of their church doors reopening, but let their hearts know the excitement of seeing many souls saved from eternal damnation. Although each of My children already have reserved seating at the banquet I have set, they were always meant to invite others to fill the vacant seats next to them by sharing their faith with those in their day to day lives who do not know Me. But because I knew some of My children would be reluctant to speak of Me, I placed clues of My existence in this world so that none can offer an excuse. That being said, many who are lost still need a little nudge so they too can embrace the full Gospel Message I put forth through My Son.

Yet, if My own who were sent to deliver this message have fallen asleep, who will rise up to take their place? What other special envoy has been dispatched to seek and save the lost? So then, a good shaking shall indeed wake My Church. For even now some are being roused from their stupor and are beginning to recognize that an atmospheric shift was occurring while they were dozing.

Like a loving Father, one who would jostle awake those of His own who had fallen asleep when it was time for the harvest, I have placed My hands upon the shoulders of My Church so that she is shaken enough to see the season before her is ready for a great gleaning, where the fields of her communities have been primed for a mighty reaping. 

Then, let each of My own, regardless of their position in their local body, see themselves as field hands: those who have been given the assignment of evangelizing, where they reflect the image of My Son in their neighborhoods and communities. For this responsibility of love was given to all of My children without exception, as I did not add any exclusions to this charge when My Son enacted it upon the mount from where He sat.

So, who of My children can say they are excused from His charter, since none in My Body rise to where He rests? And though He descended from the Highest throne, He never thought Himself too busy or overqualified to minister to those He encountered along His travels. Therefore, let none of My own think that because they hold some stature within the Church that this Commission is meant for those in less prominent positions. For there should be no hierarchy of standing among the ‘brethren’ as it is in this world. My Church should not host any form of rankings where some are more favored than others; this pecking order system must cease! Though some are called to be leaders within the Church, these positions were meant as the means to guide others into deeper revelation of the Truth, and not as a path to gain some sort of recognition or title.

To make disciples of all nations is the one true Commission of the Church which she has list sight of so Time to Wake Up | My Daily Letters - MDL

Then it is time for My Church to do an about face, where her efforts have less to do with buildings and services, and instead place a higher emphasis upon filling the halls of My throne room above seeing how many seats are filled for weekly services. For I have a much more accurate accounting of who is a part of My fold: the only number that is significant, and not how many attendees show up on any given Sunday. Then let the hearts of My children be more inclined to partner with what I am doing now; for I am reconstructing My Church so that she fits within the parameters of the “new” I am bringing about.

So let the shaking continue until those who are “chosen” open their eyes and see that this rumbling has been necessary to break My Church free from the lackadaisical attitude which has developed because of the favor believers have known in this nation. And along with that favor, each successive generation of My followers let more and more evil become tolerable in this nation. My own were content to keep to themselves and allow lawmakers to set the boundaries of speech and authority. But I have come to change what was, so that the days ahead for My Church, and this nation, are brimming with the blessings of My presence like never before.

So then, My dear children, slide out the seats next to you, for the time has come to invite those from your neighborhoods and communities to join with you at My feast, so they too can partake of the satisfying portions given through My Son. Then, let your hearts be open to receiving some of these into your homes for a meal, or step out to meet the need of an acquaintance, even when it is extremely uncomfortable, for this is how My good reputation is solidly built within your greater communities.

Therefore, be encouraged today to make the first point of contact. For once you show yourselves as friendly, having sincere motives, these you hardly know will drop their guards and allow the Truth to be spoken into their lives. Don’t waste these days wishing for the doors of your churches to once again be wide open with all government restrictions lifted, but embrace this season with this fresh vision: that I am building My Church outside these walls; in the midst of this crisis there is much to be done for My Kingdom that does not involve corporate services.

So to each of My own, take the time to assess your neighborhoods. Then if you will look and listen with the ears of your inner man to the sounds being made, without a doubt there can be heard and seen those who are crying out for help: those who are in great need.


“Then he opened their minds to understand the Scriptures, and said to them, “Thus it is written, that the Christ should suffer and on the third day rise from the dead, and that repentance and forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem. You are witnesses of these things. Luke 24:45-48

(Received: 5/27/2020)

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