To Arms!

by Lori Anne Hale
Because the country is under siege God has sent out a call To Arms | My Daily Letters - MDL

A shroud of darkness is coming that will engulf this land, just like an eclipse that covers the sun when it blots out every bit of light (even though it is the middle of the day).

So it shall be in this country. For this season of adversity shall continue, bringing with it more hardship for its people as the power struggle between those in charge intensifies, where some who seek to gain authority use its citizens to push their political schemes. Expect to see more lawlessness break out in the streets of other cities because the local governments in these communities are in bed with those who oppose the President. Then, the flames of rage shall glow in many parts of the nation as these militant forces grow in strength; for who would dare oppose them when they are backed by powerful individuals who dwell in high places? 

And so the normalcy which Americans had hoped would come after the shutdown shall not be found, as the lives of ordinary citizens are disrupted by all the unrest. Then, what is being witnessed in the state of Washington will indeed rise up in other cities, for it is the plan of this group to take over and occupy other communities. These radical groups, which are against the government, will, like a large swarm of locusts that has split off into smaller cells, appear in public squares as if from nowhere, with the goal of seizing control of more areas in this country.

For the enemy has released confusion into the atmosphere, breeding chaos within the population, building upon what is now a lack of confidence in the  civil authorities, who are assigned with the task of watching over and protecting its people. Although the rioting and looting seem to have died down in most states, these were only the precursors to the unrest that is planned in the days to come. For those opposed to the President are about stirring up strife whenever and wherever it seems beneficial to their fight, and so will go to any lengths to see themselves back in charge again.

So, while My children weren’t paying attention, a global force of darkness invaded this country, assembling an evil battle line right under their noses, and is looking to claim the heart of this nation (which is contained within her freedoms). For under this flag, all who desire it have the right to worship My name. But, again, My children have been distracted by what is happening in the physical realm, and so won’t know the success of victory because they are continuing to fight the wrong battles, with most still focused on just getting back to church.

Though a small portion have heeded My warnings and have entered into battle, most of My own have yet to engage in this conflict, sitting passively by while their brothers and sisters do the fighting; for these lazy children are content to stay in this complacent state. So while their country goes to hell, these believers are more interested in finding things to amuse themselves so that their life of confinement goes by faster. And instead of joining their brethren in this important battle, many have wasted their days in the pursuit of being entertained.

To defeat the enemy and see liberty continue in this nation means contending in prayer from To Arms | My Daily Letters - MDL

Then, let Me ask those who are Mine, “Where are My warriors? Where are those who will, on bended knees, contend for their nation?”

For none can use the excuse of not knowing a war has started when everywhere they turn is news of the anarchy running loose in this country. Then I say, “To arms, to arms! Pick up your weapons and enter in!” For every believer in this generation has been called up for this fight, with not a single name left off My list of soldiers; for I have issued orders that all are expected to line up and form ranks.

So then, a call to arms has been dispatched across this land, because your nation is under siege. Therefore, assume a warrior’s stance and, in earnest, launch out after the enemy through your prayers, as this is the only way to defeat the scourge that has entered this land.

Then, again I say, “To arms, to arms!”

The battle has begun and is well underway. So put away the phones, and the remotes (including every other form of distraction), pick up your spiritual weapons and step out onto the battlefield, as it’s time to take seriously the upheaval happening in this country. For in order to see this dark shroud lifted, and the light of liberty to continue to shine, the warriors of My Kingdom must assert their authority by sounding the battle cry, so that the enemy knows they are in pursuit; contending, as those who will not relent until his entire force is run out of this land for good.

Then I call out again, “To arms, to arms! Come join Me on the battlefield!”

For though it may appear as if there is only a slim chance of defeating your foes, remember that this is exactly how I like the odds; as it’s not the size of the oppressors army, but the power of My name and the strength of the One who fights alongside you! For invoking this authority shifts the outcome of every fight, as I have yet to lose a battle I enter. 

Then come out onto the field, mighty warriors, for your Defender is here: the One who will ensure the enemy is soundly defeated. So don’t hesitate to engage in this conflict, for the victory is yours for the asking. 


Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm. Stand therefore, having fastened on the belt of truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness” Ephesians 6:10-18

(Received: 6/13/2020)

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