Turning The Tide

by Lori Anne Hale
To run the government there is a push to adopt more socialistic ideals from Turning the Tide | My Daily Letters - MDL

The Left-leaning populace of this country has accepted the lie that a more socialistic form of government would be better than the current system that covers this land. And so within this party, there is felt a push to do away with the capitalist approach that has moved the commerce and has supplied this nation since its founding.

So now, an effort has been put forth to rewrite its laws so as to reflect the same type of governmental structure found in other countries that follow the philosophy where the “state” is given more control. Then, a small revolution has begun brewing among many of those who feel disenfranchised by the current economic system because these citizens, who identify with liberal ideas, believe that free-market and private enterprise has only made life more difficult for the working class of this country. As a result, these have embraced the ideals which socialism advocates, hoping that, at least through a “state” run system, they will have more of a chance at achieving a better life. 

And so, to give more power to the government seems a logical decision because, after all, those seated on the Left side of the aisle will ensure a fairer field is created, where everyone lives at roughly the same economic level since the “state” will decide, and then disperse each citizen’s allotment, thus restricting any one person from having too much.

But consider this: if true equity is motivating those who advocate for the reform of this nation’s statutes, are they themselves already living this lifestyle by limiting how much money and property they own in order to aid others who are less fortunate? Does their life right now actually reflect the ideals they are promoting?

Then to deem someone a trustworthy candidate, one honorable enough to have such power, shouldn’t their actions line up with their words? And if someone proclaims that being wealthy is evil and wants to penalize the rich for having amassed a fortune, but then, in his own life has a considerable amount of wealth, shouldn’t his motivations be considered dishonest? When a candidate running for office speaks of the wonders held in socialism, but he himself has used free-market principles to stockpile a large bundle of cash, shouldn’t he be considered a hypocrite? For how can this candidate say he is really for the people when, in his own life, he has taken unfair advantage of others and uses the current system to climb up this ladder by means of manipulation, not only for himself but his family, as well?Deciding how much wealth a person is allowed some think should come from the government from Turning the Tide | My Daily Letters - MDL

Yet, if this candidate truly believes socialism is best, shouldn’t he be seen giving away more than he keeps? And what of those in the populace who have jumped on board this socialist train? Are they too found practicing what they preach: meaning that, right now, do they consistently give out of their own pocket so that those making less can have a better life?

Unfortunately, the underlying concern of many who have bought into this philosophy is that life has been unfair to them. Those who carry these feelings will naturally look to seat leaders that promise to punish others who have an easier life and are free of financial burdens because, obviously, these individuals don’t deserve the riches they hold since surely their wealth was achieved through dishonest means.

But what if this candidate was actually elected, and what he espoused was enacted over this nation? Would this stem the tide of greed exhibited in the leadership of this country, or would the lives of its people only become harder because they gave permission to the government to withhold more of their earnings under the guise that an even disbursement of wealth would be handed to everyone?

And if that happens, then who is to hold those leaders to account, when most politicians are really about self-aggrandizement? Who would be the fair and honest arbiter of the finances collected, as one who would sit unaffected by the greed and corruption found in Washington?

Though the message of this candidate sounds sincere and his ideas, to some, sound plausible, he has an underlying objective which is only visible when his lifestyle is compared to what he speaks. How much weight do his words hold if his campaign speeches don’t line up with how he really lives?The current lifestyle of a candidate running for office should line up with his message from Turning the Tide | My Daily Letters - MDL

Many who have grabbed hold of the ideals he is putting forth as real solutions to their struggles have not connected the dots between what this candidate has promised and reality. For within these citizens lies a misplaced hope, believing the government has the answers for a better life, and that once the right structure is implemented, their bleak existence will somehow turn around. Though they aren’t completely sure how this will actually work out, they’ve still put more stock in man’s abilities to solve his own problems and have looked for leaders who have similar humanistic leanings as a guide for their political standings. 

But what of My children? What method do they use for selecting one who is worthy to lead? Is it where a candidate stands on specific issues, like taxes and abortion? Or is it simply the letter of party affiliation next to their name?

Since many candidates on the Right are thought to be “Christians”, then an automatic vote is cast for their name without much consideration given to who I desire to be in office. Although more on the Right side of the aisle are known by Me, this doesn’t mean they are a shoo-in to win a seat or election, for it is always My greater plan of salvation and true freedom that overrides the politics of mankind.

Because I raise up into leadership those who will be most effective at bringing My will to pass, at times, leaders will be put into place whose intentions are more destructive and breed discord among the populace. Then again, I will appoint, for a time, an individual who brings more peace to a country. So both good and bad fit into My plan. For isn’t it true that even My people long ago experienced this too? In those days, weren’t they ruled by both good and bad kings? 

So to say I always favor one side over the other is simply being short-sighted. Though right now My candidate of choice is openly in favor of the free-market, even if to some he is not one they would automatically choose as their leader. Man's politics never take precedence over God's plan for salvation from Turning the Tide | My Daily Letters - MDL

That being said, My own should be careful not to develop an attitude of offense towards their fellow citizens: those who don’t see eye to eye on politics; but instead should adopt the perspective of My Kingdom first, even in the national arena. For then the contentiousness which has arisen in this land can be somewhat abated (though within the political ring there will always be a certain level of discord found). However, to advance My Kingdom forward, My own must understand that since My divine agenda is always the goal, there are times when those who hold fewer of My Biblical standards will be put into power.

Then My own should be like-minded, with Me as their lead over even this part of their life, for My sovereign hand still plays a larger role in who will command each country and nation. So, My children should not be troubled when a leader arises that rules with an iron fist, for even one such as this would not hold a seat of power unless I had allowed it. But when some like these are put in charge, My own must trust that I have higher reasons for setting them into place, even if the hands of these leaders are filled with corruption. Therefore, it is always My divine will that is to be considered when the immoral are given positions of authority because, in these seasons, adversity is sure to abound causing many more to turn their hearts towards Me, bringing a greater number into My fold.

Then, so that My will is done here on earth, My own should be found on their knees praying and interceding for their land, for it is important that they seek My face when new leaders are to be chosen so that they can discern what I am saying over their nation at that time. And because our partnership even includes politics, I would like to express My opinions to them on the candidates and issues found on the ballots (since I might just have some understanding they lack on each of these important subjects), as an alliance with Me brings forth the divine strategies that unlock the correct way to pray for their nation. For when My own declare in agreement what I am speaking, then the atmosphere is charged with the power of faith which creates the perfect environment for My Kingdom to expand, and then more lost souls can be saved.

So, to My own who are getting ready to step into the voting booth once again, don’t use your own logic to decide how to cast your ballot, since some of you believe My will must be the path to a bigger government because you ascribe these more socialistic ideals to My Son. Although He did encourage believers to care for their neighbors and offer help to complete strangers, He never forced His followers into submission, nor demanded they adhere to His teachings, for He and I never cross over the line of free will. However, My children should already be found showing love and compassion to those around them, though We have left the decision to follow His example completely up to them.

So to say My Son came to establish a sense of “fairness” is to misunderstand His mission, for didn’t He mention that “the poor you will always have with you”, and, didn’t He tell slaves to return to their masters? And when it came time to pay for His taxes, instead of expecting others to fulfill His obligation, My Son looked to Me for the provision which was sourced through the mouth of a fish. Then to say He had a political agenda misses the mark, for He did not come to tear down societal governments, but to establish My Kingdom here on earth. Jesus followers were never forced by Him to submit to His teachings from Turning the Tide | My Daily Letters - MDL

Since the realm from which He hails sits above the politics of men, then its purpose and function will look nothing like what mankind has instituted over people. So then none of My own should be caught in this lie of comparison that describes My Son as being a socialist. He never forcibly took from one and gave to another. His goal was never the redistribution of earthly wealth because the equality and liberation He promoted was centered on the eternal freedom for everyone born to this world. It is wrong, therefore, to think that My heart is for a candidate who aligns with a more expansive government which promises to take from those who have more and spread this out “fairly” amongst the populace; because true generosity cannot be forced, but should come from real caring so that those who are in need have the opportunity to experience My goodness lavished upon them through the open hands of My children. 

Therefore, higher taxes on some, just because of their economic standing, is not how fairness is accomplished, since most of what is taken out will only stay in the government’s coffers, with little to none ever reaching the people to whom it was promised. Then, when My own step forward to have their voice counted, they should bear this in mind: that I am the One who is their true Provider, so they should not rely on the empty promises of bureaucrats as their safety net.

My children must be postured on their knees, interceding on behalf of their nation and leaders because to see My plan of prosperity and freedom continue in this country means the one who is now in charge must remain seated as the head. So, to stem the tide, and effectively wall off the socialistic ideals that have rolled in on its shores, My own should be willing to engage with more fervor, where they not only contend but also speak up and boldly proclaim the Truth whenever possible. For how else can another find the right path unless those who are called “Beloved” share the advantages of being joined to My Kingdom. 

Therefore, My own must change their approach since separating themselves out and away from this world has not benefited humanity. Then, instead of facing inward, where the only community they know is found in My body, they must do an about-face and begin to broaden their relationships in their own neighborhoods, for each of My own is called to restore the lost through salvation. If My children will truly embrace this command, then the voice of socialism will diminish and the sounds of freedom will continue to ring out across this land.

“I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.” 1 Timothy 2:1-2

(Received: 2/22/2020)

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