
by Lori Anne Hale
Both truth and deception are spoken with the tongue from Unity | My Daily Letters - MDL

When someone presents a false narrative and then uses symbolic gestures to prop up his claims, the real motivation of the heart is plain to see. For with the tongue, both truth and deception are spoken, but it’s a person’s actions that reveal their real nature.

So when some who are leaders stepped out into public donning brightly colored scarves, this was nothing more than a token gesture meant to signal their support of those who, at the moment, are raising their fists against perceived inequality. Yet, how have those who paraded themselves on the national stage really helped the ones who are claiming systemic racism as the culprit for why they are not better off? For while many in this country have struggled to make ends meet, these politicians seen kneeling have been lining their pockets with an abundance of both wealth and prestige, and have peddled influence as their way of gaining capital, making little effort to truly help the citizenry of this nation.

So when they feel it is needed, these figureheads of this democracy venture out into public and deliver speeches filled with vague promises meant to mislead the public into believing positive changes will be had by all, but, only for as long as they remain in office. Yet life for the majority in this country only seems to be getting more difficult, with very few able to attain their dreams because the only real systemic disparity is the taxation being levied on this people. Every year more fees are added (even though some are unnoticeable, because when it comes time to pay the charge, it has already been factored into the price of the goods or services). So most in the overall population are unaware of just how much of their hard-earned money is actually distributed to pay federal and local taxes. The people just oblige the government by paying what is demanded.

Admittedly though, racism does exist in this nation, because it is in the hearts of individual people to carry some form of prejudice against another. However, the financial disparity in this land was created by those in the government, those who hold public office, those who are now sitting quietly by while the country unravels, those who, when sworn into office, took an oath to protect this country and her people. Yet most of these seated officials are only interested in making themselves rich, and so they launder taxpayer money through political schemes, where deals are made with foreign leaders, or those with wealth, so that laws are written, or fees assessed, to give a certain few the advantage over the rest of the population. And since this cycle of greed has gone unchecked for so long, most wouldn’t even think to protest against it.

So like puppeteers, these elected officials pull on the strings of the public, dictating how much each individual is allowed to keep out of their paycheck, continuing to create more hardship on the population each time they add fees paid by the individual, or with the simple stroke of their pens enact new regulations designed to limit freedom. Sadly, this people go along with their demands without much protest, for it is the overreaching hand of the government that is oppressing Americans.

When will this people wake up and see that it is not democracy that is the problem, but those who have been charged with its care? These lawmakers have succumbed to the voice of greed which says “take all you can”, as they have the power to increase the revenue coming into Washington, convinced that they should take full advantage of their position while they are able.In their country Americans need to wake up to who the real issue is from Unity | My Daily Letters - MDL

So can this people break free from this cycle of disparity, where those who are elected are filled with the same lust of greed and power as their predecessors (though their campaign promises sang a different tune), or, are they just doomed to repeat it over and over again?

Unfortunately, because most have believed their rhetoric at face value, for years this populace not only allowed but accepted the narratives set by the politicians in this land, without even stopping to examine if there is any validity to their claims. Yet while there is plenty of evidence that the government is bloated and the people overtaxed, the charges being leveled now regarding systemic racism, are false. However, because the politicians are a crafty sort, these have used their platform to depict a nation that is filled with hatred, where those with lighter skin are automatically guilty of bigotry just because they fit the profile, the one described by the media and those who control the stream of information which flows out to the public. So then those who match this description are labeled as prejudiced, simply for the color of their skin, and without examining the content of their heart.

So again we see that those who sit in higher seats have maneuvered this nation’s attention so that the focus of most is honed in on a single issue, one that is politically motivated in order to obscure the real agenda being driven through the nation’s capital, while they systematically destroy this democracy. And because so many are convinced that what they are hearing is “truth”, the country has been blanketed with offense, pitting neighbor against neighbor, friend against friend, and even dividing families into opposing sides.

Yet because racism is not a systemic, fundamental, or core belief held in this nation, these charges are false. For during the earlier days of this country wasn’t a war fought, where those with lighter skin came from the North and laid down their lives so that those bound in the chains of slavery could be freed? Wasn’t a proclamation written which clearly stated that this country would not tolerate the trade of human beings? So then to say that the integral structure of this country is based on racism is a lie, and one which is touted by politicians to win elections. And yet, quite a few, even those in My Church, have fallen for this foolishness. 

Does this mean there aren’t individuals who carry the hardness of prejudice in their hearts? No! For even in this day and age human beings are still prone to hold judgment in their hearts based on that superficial and sinful thinking. But this does not mean a person’s skin color automatically speaks to what is in his heart; for bigotry of all kinds exist in this world, even those for which race is not the determining factor. Therefore, none should be found making these assumptions, for only I know the true heart of a person.

Then, My own should know better than to partner with this derisive attitude, for My Spirit only breeds reconciliation and peace, and therefore does not hold accusatory words or overtones. My own should be wary of those whose voice is speaking in their ear, for the enemy has been known to masquerade and pretend he is from another kingdom. Because of this, some have already been tricked by his persuasive words and have formed an agreement with his lies. This is why My Body now stands divided, as blame is being lobbed across this offense-filled rift, where those who believe partnering with popular culture is the way to finally be rid of racism in this nation. They think that being unwilling to agree with this message is the same as agreeing with bigotry towards certain ethnic communities.In every battle believers should ask the Lord where to stand from Unity | My Daily Letters - MDL

Then knowing where to stand is at the heart of the question, for My own should always be found asking Me where to plant their feet no matter what the circumstance. To assume that they already know what I will say is just foolishness, for who can know My mind? Although I have left some general instructions for basic Christian living, they should never run ahead and enter a fight until they have been given their marching orders, as My winning strategy does not look the same every time, and therefore, it is always best to wait for My call to action.

Then My own ought to remember that their view on any battle should first be considered with a Kingdom perspective in mind; which always sees through a supernatural lens, as every fight has one main component which originates from outer darkness. This is the reason My own must seek Me for greater discernment, because My vision is able to see both realms. As a result, I know exactly how My children should approach this current battle, for I have pinpointed, with precise accuracy, exactly where the enemy is held up, and exactly where to strike so his defenses suffer severe damage, leaving Me the room to claim total victory.

Then enough with the shaming and finger-pointing, for this is not how those who are in Christ should be acting. For all who call Him Savior, were commanded to follow His example, as One who is all-inclusive: meaning every life was and is precious to Him. He didn’t lay down His life to save only a certain few, but gladly poured out His blood for all who were sinners, encompassing the whole of humanity. 

Then stop judging each other, for this is not your place. It is your own heart that is yours to examine. So instead of using the weapons of the flesh that breed condemnation against others, put away these knives, and glean the sword that comes from righteousness, the only weapon that is capable of defeating the enemy, having been forged with innocent blood.

Know this: that while My Church has been fighting about masks and racism, the enemy has been quietly working to surround this nation (like the invaders who used subterfuge in the form of a horse like statue). However, unlike the ancient city which fell as a result of this type of sneak attack, because I am faithful, there is still a chance for victory for this nation.

Then without delay put aside your offenses, for the battlefield encompasses the hearts and minds of the entirety of all Americans, and the soil upon which this nation stands. Stop focusing on your differences and unite for this one cause: to keep her liberties intact. For if these are destroyed, the freedom to express My name will be taken away.

Then unite with this common goal, so that those who live in this nation may remain free.

“Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity!” -Psalm 133:1

(Received: 6/19/2020)

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