The Vehicle Of Motion

by Lori Anne Hale
Each person was designed by God with a specific purpose to be a part of The Vehicle of Motion | My Daily Letters - MDL

In wave upon wave, My presence flows through the generations of man.

In cascading rolls, I move, washing over the earth in its entirety without leaving a single corner untouched by My will. Like a flood upon dry ground, My movements saturate the land, filling it with the good intentions I have designed to permeate, in a fluid fashion, the hardened hearts of all man; enveloping each life into My plan, and creating a deeper connection with those who are chosen to carry the legacy of My kingdom into the nations of this world. For these know their true heritage lies beyond this realm, extends past this life into the place where eternity is held.

So this motion is the vehicle which I have chosen to keep My creation, encasing it in a constant state of fluctuation as each change I desire falls into place, one right after the other (like stepping stones laid out in a row) in accordance with My completed purpose (all that I established at the beginning before anything living came to be). I knew then that “time” would be the facet needed to have My will continue. So, I set life to this order with each day ticked off to the hands of a clock, continually moving ahead. For, who can stop this forward motion by turning back the hands of time? Who has the ability to break the sun and moon from their logistical pattern?

This solid progression was deliberately set in the specific pace of chronology, where hours, days, and years are used as the markers of movement; the record keepers of man’s passing; the way for him to understand the continuity within his environment, providing further evidence of My existence. For every observable element in this world was made holding the obvious stamp of a Creator (so that none can offer an excuse of “not knowing” when their time comes to stand before Me). Even the passage of time contains the clues for the involvement of a Higher power. For how could a random occurrence or spatial anomaly produce this kind of harmony, carried in the same consistency throughout the ages without any reported disruptions?

Even though I kept the sun from moving while My children were in battle, man can do nothing to dislodge this world from its forward advancement or amend its direction. Yet, man would like to think he retains some control over his longevity, but his days cannot continue past what I have already established as his ending. So without giving it much thought, man becomes accustomed to this day to day motion, not considering how much time has passed until he is caught by the reflection of who he used to be, knowing he can never recoup any of those prior moments, nor stop another day from elapsing. 

Man cannot stop time from moving forward in The Vehicle of Motion | My Daily Letters - MDL

Though he doesn’t recognize his involvement, each man’s life was written into My design, recorded by name in My heart, for not a single one comes into this world without My knowing, nor are their days spent without My consideration. I pondered over who each one would be, then carefully weighed out where they would fit best within My creation, so at just the right time, I brought them forth and included them in My overall plan, as an integral part of its architecture and structure.

Because of this, each life should be counted as having value (even those found in the most destitute places). For over the layers of time and the history of man, I made each one that would be. So all should be given this proper regard, considered with the same intensity of devotion and love as any other, without a single person, living or from the past, thought of as a mistake (for I have never once created an error).

So then, My Beloved should be found with a deeper appreciation for all who are living and not simply offer this recognition to a few. For they have been given the task of expressing My purpose and motivation to those around them, not only with those they may know, but to each individual who crosses their path. Once My chosen see the bigger picture of what I am doing, there is a realization of the role they play in this continuing effort and the reason why they are sent out. For many are invited to join Me in fellowship, but few will choose My offer of salvation.

In eagerness, those who are called My own should look for opportunities, whether in word or deed, to demonstrate My love to their fellow man by boldly proclaiming the gospel of My Son. For I specifically set some of My chosen in each frame of time, as those who would bear witness of My existence to the ones held captive by darkness; as beacons of My kindness to every generation, in the length of years I have given to them.

And one of the scribes came up and heard them disputing with one another, and seeing that he answered them well, asked him, “Which commandment is the most important of all?” Jesus answered, “The most important is, ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”  Mark 12:28-31

(Received: 2018)

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