War Rages On

by Lori Anne Hale
Surrender is not an option with those committed to this battle as War Rages On | My Daily Letters - MDL

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[Vision: I saw a giant white throne room, with vast ceilings and shiny marble floors. It had a broad platform that held a massive golden throne where the Lord was seated. Across the court I saw multitudes of believers kneeling before Him, praying for the nation. Suddenly, here and there, people began to vanish. They just disappeared from where they had previously been in earnest prayer, seeking the Lord. As I watched, the rate of disappearance increased, so instead of just one or two, it was like whole groups had vanished at once. Then, when I looked around, there was only a very small number scattered about the room still praying; some were almost sheer like a hologram projection, others were more solid in substance; this spoke to their levels of faith.]

And so the second wave of attack is underway.

Although I warned My children that the enemy was not finished, and that his hatred for the Church would drive him to even greater deeds of darkness, few have heeded My words, and have left their place before My throne, abandoning the battlefield much too soon. For they have either resigned themselves to walk in doubt, or they believe that since the previous conflict appears to have ended, that there is no reason to keep contending over this matter because, to them, this case is closed and nothing can change the results.

And so, one by one, the number who kneel before Me interceding on behalf of this nation and the world has diminished considerably, so that only a handful of the faithful (those who seek the fulfillment of My promises even though the circumstances speak to them as having no chance of becoming a reality) are still found calling out to Me for a response. It is then, just as I predicted: that once this campaign did not know an immediate end and continued to drag on, many of My soldiers would suffer from battle fatigue, thus causing them to surrender their posts and give in to defeat.

Yet this war rages on, and shall only intensify. For the enemy has already fortified his perimeter, and is now setting up barriers to limit the mobility of the people, taking away even more of their freedom. Though this is said to be a temporary measure, those who are implementing this evil scheme have no intention of lifting this ban, and actually plan to add even greater restrictions, as this tightened control is really meant to halt further spread of the Gospel message.

Then from the sky, ground, and sea, his hoards shall descend, seeking to silence the voices of My children. For though it would seem as if this nation is the focus of his assault, the enemy has cast a wide net so that the Church is caught in its tow. And while many of the lost will be harmed by his actions, the enemy could not care less whose life he devours because he is overtaken by an all consuming hunger for dominion.

Knowing this, that the enemy shall be unrelenting in his attack upon this land, shouldn’t there be a fervency within My Body to petition Me for aid?For this nation believers must intercede day and night as War Rages On | My Daily Letters - MDL

Sadly though, the numbers found lining My halls have grown rather sparse, for those who hold weaker faith have vanished like a vapor. While these sought Me in earnest when the battle was young, they have since then seen very little substantive proof to support My promises, and have, as a result, already tossed them aside along with their faith to see Me come through.

Yet, lest any misunderstand My sentiments, these weary children are still deeply held within My affections, for the love I hold for each and every human being never changes; it is constant, not suffering from variations of any kind.

Then it is to those who have determined in their hearts to follow My lead that shall usher in the victory, no matter how outlandish My words may seem. It is these committed soldiers who have caught a glimpse of the enemy’s plan and what defeat would mean for not only this nation, but for the world. That is why they have soundly planted themselves before Me, uttering intercessions day and night. For them, surrender is not an option.

Let these, then, be encouraged that their efforts have not been in vain. For while the battle may be longer than any had anticipated, its duration will be much shorter due to the continual prayers being lifted from this battalion of devoted warriors.

So hold fast to Me and don’t let go of the vision I have set before you. Stand upon these promises, for here is where you shall know sure footing because this ground is indeed true, and therefore, can be counted on to remain solid until the enemy is apprehended and the victory is won.

“On your walls, O Jerusalem, I have appointed watchmen; all day and all night they will never keep silent. You who remind the Lord, take no rest for yourselves; and give Him no rest until He establishes, and makes Jerusalem a praise in the earth.” -Isaiah 62:6-7

(Received: 2/13/2021)

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