Waves Of Affliction

by Lori Anne Hale
On to Americas shorelines a tide of adversity will continue to roll as Waves of Affliction | My Daily Letters - MDL

Just like the ten plagues that came upon Egypt, another wave of affliction shall hit this nation.

Governmental leaders have made deals to import more of America’s basic staples for living, and so this next phase of their plan leads back to the foreign nation which started the pandemic, and involves shifting specific parts of the food chain Eastward, where the main source of sustenance would be imported instead of produced on American soil.

So then, when claims are made that these packing plants were closed due to the virus, know that this occurrence is just a part of the larger scheme connected to the virus. For to take over more production lines and move these plants overseas onto foreign soil is a portion of the bigger strategy involving a specific nation: one whose singular obsession is to dominate all other countries of the world. Then, don’t be fooled by the reports that these shutdowns are because many workers have fallen ill, as those numbers were intentionally inflated to provide a smoke screen to cover up a greater plot (which is to shift more of this nation’s dependence onto another; where this eastern nation controls the supply of food which comes in and out of this land).

So while people are being held in confinement for their own “safety”, the country itself is being stripped of its securities. For how can a nation be strong and confident when its basic needs are controlled by those who oppose its existence?

What’s to become of those who live in this nation? What will their lives hold in those days ahead, once all is said and done and the quarantine is lifted?

For, like a shell game, these clever opponents diverted attention away from the real reason for the shutdown, as many leaders in this nation, both business and political, have colluded with this foreign nation to systematically take apart America, little by little, as the underpinnings of this land have been dismantled by the very hands who have sworn to protect it. For an oath given, and a pledge made, means very little these days, and are only ceremonial words offered from shallow hearts by those seeking the power of political office.

So if those who promised to serve and protect have actually fallen in league with an opposing nation, then how long can this country hope to stand, and its citizens remain free?

A plan is already underway to ship Americas food supply Eastward from Waves of Affliction | My Daily Letters - MDL

Then, just like when My people were slaves to Egypt, and were ruled by the ruthless hand of a foreign leader, those in this nation have been subjugated to this lowly position. For their leaders have sold away their rights as American citizens by exporting the production and distribution chain of food and other supplies to other nations. And while Americans were focused on enjoyment, and being entertained, subversive forces were maneuvering about the country virtually unopposed, making dubious alliances, and stealing national secrets; all this while its citizens looked on undisturbed, as very few thought to be alarmed because those in Washington, who publicly proclaimed that it was “…nothing to be concerned about…”, were actually complicit in these crimes against this nation and its citizens.

So then, like a succession of waves rolling into its shorelines, the tide of adversity shall continue to flow in, where every area of this nation shall be affected; just as it was with the Egyptians. For in those days, I afflicted those parts of their lives which concerned survival; from their health, to their water source, and the destruction of their food supply.

However, what was happening in the spiritual realm was always the catalyst behind the hardship they knew; for that was where the true battle raged. To see My people set free from bondage, and to renew their faith in Me, meant that the evil controlling spirit found in the land of Egypt had to be defeated. So then, at the perfect time, My hand came and applied the right amount of pressure to force the release of My people.

Yet, during that season where chaos was found on every corner, My own chosen ones sat unaffected, with not a single one harmed by the destruction that came to that nation. Then do you suppose this time in history is any different? Do you think My hand is now too weak that I cannot sustain and keep those who love Me? For hasn’t My stellar record proven, over the course of mankind, that I am able to supply meat and bread for My children’s tables?

Then remember, that while this next wave is building, know there are more coming behind it which will roll in against this nation with more force because it is the pressure of this tide that will ready this land, and My Church, for the coming revival. Yet My children should not count this as judgement, for it is not the fire of My wrath raining down upon man, but it is the method I have chosen to wake up My own, and free them from their tendencies to be self-reliant.

During times of adversity our hearts should be uplifted because God is about to do a marvelous work from Waves of Affliction | My Daily Letters - MDL

The adversity that is coming, and will be added to this season, is not meant as punishment because I am angry at the behavior of My Beloved. No. These turbulent days were given to readjust the direction My Church has been headed, so that they wind up across the shores of the Jordan, where My whole tribe dwells in the territory of promise; where all who stand under My banner are free to express the move of My Spirit as it flows through their being; where the inhibitions of performance are done away with, so that a more organic movement of the supernatural rises.

As My own see these economic and societal changes occur, none should be overcome with fear, for My hand still has a firm grip on them: just like a Father who holds tightly to his child’s hand when she first encounters the surf at a shoreline (even though, to this wee tot, the waves appear large because of her tiny stature, and yet this tide doesn’t contain enough force to even move her Father’s feet). Those of My own who dwell in this nation must know with certainty that My hand of protection is still wrapped around them. For what can come against My Church and knock her from this secure position?

So then to My own I say: prepare your hearts, as this season of adversity will be longer than most of you have anticipated. For to see revival birthed in this nation meant that this time of shaking had to happen, and that a shift had to occur in My Body first, before it could spread out and reach the whole nation.

So then lay aside your worries about the future, and set aside your speculations about tomorrow. Instead, focus on today and what I am asking you to do in these moments. For though My children should pray for the days ahead, their thoughts should be focused on Me, and the internal work I am hoping to accomplish within them during this season. Therefore, don’t become troubled when you see these adverse waves hitting the nation’s shorelines, but let your hearts dwell instead with the assurance that, though the season may contain some hardship, these opportunities have been provided to exercise your faith, and experience the pangs of growth that come with the process of maturity.

So then don’t let your hearts become downcast like those who dwell among the tribes of man, but let your countenance be uplifted, for your Heavenly Father has come to do a marvelous work in your midst.

“And my God will supply all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus. To our God and Father be glory forever and ever. Amen.” Philippians 4:19-20

(Received: 5/5/2020)

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