What I Intend To Expose

by Lori Anne Hale
What the Lord has spoken through His prophets America shall witness from What I Intend To Expose | My Daily Letters - MDL

See how quickly the tide can turn, for was not Abner loyal to Saul’s household even after the King’s passing? Yet it only took one turn of events to cause his allegiance to change. Then in an instant what I had spoken came to pass, resulting in David’s ascension to the throne. Then who’s to say that a similar scenario shall not play out again, yet it shall be amongst those who fraudulently seized control of this nation that the lines of loyalty shall greatly shift. For as My hand continues to press down upon this den of wolves, they shall bare their teeth against one another, attacking their co-conspirators with slanderous rhetoric.

And so these charlatans shall focus their conniving ways upon those deemed expendable, seeking to make scapegoats out of some who had been devoted followers, ready to sacrifice these upon the altar of public opinion in order to distract attention away from their own evil deeds. Ah, but who can keep hidden what I intend to expose?

Then what has been stolen shall be restored, as My hand shall return what rightfully belongs to this people, thus redeeming the time which was forcibly taken by another when he stepped in as leader against their will.

See then a turning has begun within the political echelons of this government, as some who stood in agreement with the election coup have had a change of heart, because these have seen the unveiled darkness which is now lurking in the Oval Office. It is from personal fear that this internal shift has manifested, for these defectors have lost all assurances of their own future, having witnessed firsthand that those who promised protection cannot be trusted to keep their word.

Then these who were thought to be “true blue” shall jump party lines, opting instead to align with the rightful president and his pro-America stance, as these defectors have already begun questioning their own judgment and how they could have been so easily led astray. 

Therefore just as it was with Abner, who, upon making the choice to stand in allegiance with King David, helped to usher in the fulfillment of My promises, so, too, shall these defectors be catalysts for seeing the recent prophetic utterances over this nation come to fruition.

Do not lose heart, America, for very quickly now you shall witness for yourselves those things I have spoken to you through My prophets concerning your nation, along with the changes you were foretold would come forth in this season. So be greatly encouraged this day, for, in just a little while, the evil doers currently governing your nation shall suddenly disappear. I shall then reestablish My will for America, and as such, reaffirm the autonomy of her people as those who have the right to self-governance; thereby retaining the independence to stand as a singular nation, separate from the control of any foreign or global body. 

Then indeed, America, be greatly encouraged! For the enemy you see today you shall not see tomorrow!

“While there was war between the house of Saul and the house of David, Abner was making himself strong in the house of Saul. Now Saul had a concubine whose name was Rizpah, the daughter of Aiah. And Ish-bosheth said to Abner, “Why have you gone in to my father’s concubine?” Then Abner was very angry over the words of Ish-bosheth and said, “Am I a dog’s head of Judah? To this day I keep showing steadfast love to the house of Saul your father, to his brothers, and to his friends, and have not given you into the hand of David. And yet you charge me today with a fault concerning a woman. God do so to Abner and more also, if I do not accomplish for David what the Lord has sworn to him, to transfer the kingdom from the house of Saul and set up the throne of David over Israel and over Judah, from Dan to Beersheba.” And Ish-bosheth could not answer Abner another word, because he feared him.” 2 Samuel 3:6-11


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