What’s In A Name?

by Lori Anne Hale
Father is how God want's His children to regard Him from What's in a Name | My Daily Letters - MDL

Isn’t there a meaning behind each person’s name? When a name is chosen for a child, isn’t the meaning something considered, thinking that when this term is spoken out loud it will shape the child’s identity, and play a part in who they will become?

Because everything I speak holds a deeper significance, words are not idle to Me. This means everything I say carries something profound. Therefore, when I give a name, it is a picture of the promise I have decreed over an individual, something I want to be known about that person. So just like with Abraham and Peter, it was important they were distinguished as My own and recognized as who I created them to be.

(“Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” Matthew 6:9-10)

So then, if My name is “Hallowed”, what does that say about Me?

It should be a clue to the position I hold, the standing I have amongst men. Yet, not in the idea of rigid which makes Me seem unapproachable, believing that I keep My children at a distance, as some religious beliefs say, applying a different sense to the word. When in all truth, My Son closed the gap between us and opened the way to all who desire entrance into My presence. However, some still choose to believe there is a coldness about Me when hearing this proper term, equating the meaning with something empty, like with sacred idols or enshrined buildings. So it is no wonder when this title is applied to Me by those who have made no real connection with My presence, that these are left feeling uninspired, without a desire to come any closer to My dwelling place.

But since My name is “Holy”, this is how I should be known, as the one who encompasses it in totality, generating awe in the hearts of those who have encountered My glory and splendor.

Yet, experiencing Me in a deeper way does not come through a ritualistic approach by praying words in a rote fashion, repeating each line over and over, hoping that if spoken in the correct order it will initiate a rapid response from Me. However, what many fail to recognize is that the first line of My prayer, “Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.” speaks to the approach of the petitioner, describes how I want them to address Me… as Father, thus establishing communication between us on a more intimate level. Though seeing My name as hallowed is the reverence their heart should hold, these need to know that drawing near to Me is always permitted, for I would never turn away any of My chosen.

The gap between God and us was closed through Jesus from What's in a Name | My Daily Letters - MDL

What pleases Me most is to be with My children, to hear them call out My name. A simple request from a sincere heart is what holds My attention and turns My ear in their direction, not through wordy supplications filled with vain recitations. For the heart of one who subscribes to the latter, sees Me as a wish granter, keeping our relationship on a superficial level, like a genie in a bottle, wanting Me to make an appearance only to fill some desire they have for material gain, and missing the benefits of enjoying Me as anything more.

While it is important to pray, there are some things to consider when any of My children come before Me: How does your heart regard Me? Do you plainly see Me as Father, as the One who loves and adores you, who does not need verbose strings as the manner of expression between us?

Straightforward will do quite nicely as if having a conversation, an exchange between those who are close friends.

What I would like My children to keep in mind when seeking Me, is that I am completely engaged in each moment we spend together, and therefore hear every burden they carry. My listening skills are quite adept, so I am able to read between the lines and see into those places of need that they are not even aware exists. But I am ready to offer My assistance in those areas too, for the inner man is where My eye is focused and where My gaze rests.

Though “Holy” is the place I am standing, is who I am and how I exist, this position doesn’t keep Me from being accessible or set Me beyond their reach. For the actual truth is that My door is always open, so a little knock is fine to connect with Me. Then I will be happy to bid them welcome into My sanctuary, the place where we can fellowship together and simply talk.

“He came and preached peace to you who were far away and peace to those who were near. For through Him we both have access to the Father by one Spirit. Therefore you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens of the saints and members of God’s household, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus Himself as the cornerstone.” Ephesians 2:17-20

(Received: 2019)

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