Where Does Fear Go To Die?

by Lori Anne Hale
How can a man combat the words of fear from Where Does Fear Go to Die | My Daily Letters - MDL

Where does fear go to die, or does fear just continue to exist?

Can fear be eliminated completely from a life, or is fear waiting in the wings, hanging off to the side, looking for another opportunity to be let back in, bidding it’s time for a twist of fate to create a way of regaining some strength?

Fear is a strong foe, looking to grab hold of a person’s heart, eagerly seeking a new place to set up house, always with the greetings contained in a few words of doubt. For when fear is nearby, doubt is usually found loitering around, having formed a dark partnership, these two arrive hand and hand. Doubt usually rises when fear is in command, so when fear begins to lay out his case, doubt comes right alongside him using rationalization to support their evidence of what is true.

Fear becomes emboldened once he has diverted a person’s attention, for his suggestions are always strong. Then, by using doubt, he eclipses the view of their next victim by offering a terrible depiction of the future, one that predicts an uncertain horizon. Strutting and striding, fear parades doubt across a mind because his efforts are fully invested in keeping those he has duped filled with dread. For when fear sets up a perimeter to encase a heart, he is attempting to block off any point for HOPE to shine its light. So then, as he continues to eradicate every avenue for peace, doubt can dance around their carefully crafted barriers (those meant to hold a soul hostage) and fill their captive with thoughts of impending disaster, thus plaguing a whole life with their existence.

Because fear will not settle for second best, he applies the necessary pressure to secure himself as the primary presence in a person’s life. Yet, not to be outdone, doubt tags along, eager to offer a flood of unsettling thoughts which open the place for worry to gather. So, how can a heart find any rest when it is overrun by their false narrative of gloom and doom?Any situation can know peace by listening to the voice of God from Where Does Fear Go to Die | My Daily Letters - MDL

When a person is constantly being chided by fear’s loud rebukes, he will eventually stop trying to escape and accept the distorted version of truth these two evil spirits have concocted, thus securely keeping himself as their prisoner, as one who is afraid to make any decisions due to their convincing platitudes. So this one will, at some point, be willing to comply by accepting fear’s voice as normal and surrendering to doubt’s ideas of compromise, as over and over again, he is hit hard with a barrage of negative words leading the charge.

What is a person to do when these two bullies show up on the scene? How can anyone combat fear’s taunts and outwit doubts plots, or find the way to elude all of their schemes? The only way of evading these two troublesome adversaries is by listening to My voice alone; the ONE filled with real truth, that speaks from the place of Authority. For only I AM able to see the future, of all those things which lie just ahead.

I always speak words filled with love and comfort, offering encouragement when uncertainty begins to make a way for fear to break in. In quiet confidence My voice utters tender words, urging a person’s heart to trust Me by realizing fear has nothing to offer. For once this one can distinguish the sound of My voice, he can make a stand against fear’s underhanded attacks.

My voice brings stability to every situation, for once heard, it is able to drown out the sound of alarm being whispered in his ear, for IT has the power to fill a person’s heart with ease because it carries within it the elements of real peace. My voice is never frantic, though at times it may urge someone to act, for I speak with all-knowing… MY timing is exact.

Fear knows that once My voice is recognized and established in a person’s life, his days as tormentor are over. For as faith fills a heart, as it builds and grows, fear will be displaced and must go, usually without putting up too much of a fight. Though fear is roaming about seeking those who are weak, My voice is always able to be heard, for it speaks words of hope, resonating with the sounds of triumph and victory, offering man the place of true rest.

  “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”  Isaiah 41:10

(Received: 4/10/2018)

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