Where Is A Thought Formed?

by Lori Anne Hale
How does a man form thoughts in his head from Where is a Thought Formed | My Daily Letters - MDL

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There is an avenue inside each man where thoughts are formed, the space where ideas take shape so a man is able to construct words that describe what he is thinking.

This cognitive ability was given to man and was not a result of the evolutionary process, which states that after ages of time man’s mind suddenly “clicked” and the neurons essential to form speech patterns appeared due to some outside stimuli in his environment. So then every individual after this one human being could speak in complete sentences, as if somehow his surroundings pressured his body to reshape and become a better version of the one already in existence. When grunts and babbles transformed into language initiating the first human dialect and from there turned into complex words stemming from this single, random occurrence. Yet, for so many of the most scientifically driven, man’s current state could not have come about any other way.

But if one were to step back for a moment, set aside every foregone conclusion, and simply examine the structure necessary within a person to communicate a few words, then they would see every muscle apparent which must connect to others just so a single sound can be made. They somehow still believe this tissue knew it had to act in a synergistic manner (as if having a mind of its own), that it was crucial to form a bond through this new pathway and acclimate to vocalization as being part of its advanced function, expanding its useful abilities, placing man higher on the ladder of species, setting himself above all the others.

Though now the prevailing attitude of those opposed to a creator, is that somehow man should feel bad about his elevated position, creating an undercurrent of shame, and forming an unhealthy respect for the animal kingdom. Because this idea originated from the conclusion that all of man’s ancestors started from apes, humans must take a backseat to every other living creature, who are the true heirs of this planet, and must be given more consideration than the needs of the populace at large.

This is where man’s logic has taken him, into the space of an unreasonable conclusion where farfetched ideas become sound, giving off the appearance of being formed in concrete truth. Unfortunately, the road map of a man’s thinking will often point him away from honesty, wanting to deny where his discoveries lead. For if he will stop to ponder, to examine just a single part of his body and how it functions, he will eventually have to conclude that every element of his being came together all at one time, with each intricate layer precisely connected to shape him as an individual; like those who, for centuries, have walked upon this planet. Whole and complete each one came after the other, not needing a single thing added, for I ensured man would acclimate to his environment without having to adapt, with every detail of his anatomy formed in the first edition, not in need of any improvements in a later rendition.Man has trouble believing in God's existence from Where is a Thought Formed | My Daily Letters - MDL

I was the One who selected his standing, gave him the place of dominion (to be held in the heart of a caretaker) designed him to fit into this role by giving him the ability to think and to speak. This is why man can hold his position, for he has learned animals can be conditioned, and as such, has trained many species to co-exist with him in this world. For instance, is a dog able to speak to a bird? Can he issue a command, tell the bird to land on his tail or convey feelings through sentence structure? No! Man is the only life on this planet which has the aptitude to distribute words from his thoughts, to pull from his memory what he is thinking, then speak out those ideas with the tools I constructed, giving him the capability of communication.

Like a spark, a person’s brain starts the ignition, flowing into the muscles needed to get the ball rolling. Then his diaphragm, throat, and tongue get involved pushing up a sound which is formed by his mouth, all shaping the words he wishes to express, whether an emotion or pain, or simply sharing a story, all of these parts work in unison providing man with the skills of articulation, not for his benefit alone, but to build community through this mode of delivery.

So why does it have to be that man evolved, took millions of years to stand erect in this form? Wouldn’t it be much easier to accept the idea of Me as Creator and simply trust that I do exist?

Instead, many spend hours trying to prove I am just an opinion, striving to find the correlation between nothing and origin, but always coming up on the short end of his assumptions. He is never able to land in the place he deems as the logical conclusion, always finding a wide gap, unable to discover the connecting link that will build the bridge leading to the formation of matter. However, without this one piece, the puzzle man has designed is not sustainable. (It’s as if he has constructed all the outside edges, but when he starts to fill in the other pieces, one is missing and without it the whole structure cannot hold its form causing the continuity of his idea to break apart.)

In all actuality, this piece man thinks is missing, has never existed, and only came from his speculation. Though there may be some similarities amongst the species, with some natural resemblance, there is nothing more to it. Man is not a higher evolved creature. He was designed to stand upright, to process life through his intellect with thought and idea, giving him the freedom of choice, to decide for himself how he wants to live and what he wants to believe when he can no longer deny the Truth of My presence.

No other in My creation was given this opportunity and does not hold the position of having free will. I intentionally set man apart, giving him the distinction of authority, with the ability to understand his environment; going a step further than any other creature. For example, all living things have the need for water, but man thought it reasonable to form a sort of system that would bring the water to him, ensuring his thirst would always be quenched. What other species has been given the capacity to think in this way?The architectural hand of a Designer is undeniable in creation from Where is a Thought Formed | My Daily Letters - MDL

Problem-solving wasn’t the only reason I gave human beings a rational mind. My intentions were clear from the beginning, seen through My first interactions, when I lovingly placed the first man in the garden, then made sure to take care of all his needs. In this space of harmony, every part of My creation existed together, providing the perfect atmosphere for our meeting. My desire was and always will be to have personal interaction with each person; to walk daily with him as I did at the genesis of this world. Not only to converse about their struggles but to inspire each one to think beyond this natural realm where limitations are found.

With Me in the picture, man can move outside his current held boundaries and expand his thinking beyond what seems reasonable, for a relationship with the One who is “infinite” and “eternal” will shift his thoughts to form a whole new perspective by uncluttering his mind so he can see with clarity that an exceptional life must be divinely inspired and cannot be found through the evolutionary theory. So then, what was once his answer for “how man came to be” will only be viewed as a story, as something others tell themselves when they try on their own to make sense of man’s origin.

The real truth, which has been hidden under a stack of theories, will at some point surface when, after carefully reviewing every conclusion, each premise falls short of providing the proof these presuppositions demand, which is the absolute confirmation that man’s current form was just a matter of adaptation and nothing more. For the architectural hand of a “Designer” is undeniable, with no missing link, for man was created in complete form, giving the full picture of reality and showcasing that his higher level of existence was part of My purpose for making each race, with him being something more valued than an accidental product of objects colliding.

Once this idea is understood, it instills the confidence of identity which comes from knowing he is part of a bigger plan, with a future and destiny that was established long before any human being came to be. For random is not how I operate. I am “the” consummate planner. Therefore, nothing fell from My view when I set the universe into motion and spoke all things into being, placing key evidence to point man My direction, built in the framework of “Truth”, so every individual could easily see there is no possible explanation for life other than Me.

“For You created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” Psalm 139:13-14

(Received: 8/12/2018)

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