You Wicked Serpent

by Lori Anne Hale
The enemy's plot has already begun to unraveling from You Wicked Serpent | My Daily Letters - MDL

Then like a violent wind shall I blow through this land and turnover your fiendish plot, for you, Nachash, tried to claim a prize that did not belong to you. And so, once again, your arrogance has gotten the better of you, and as such, you shall find yourself empty-handed, for defeat is still your portion. Oh, you rebellious serpent, in defiance did you raise your head, yet I shall crush this latest uprising instigated by your lies and deception.

So while you think yourself to be quite clever, all your scheming shall be for naught, as surely you have once again played right into My hand. Then this nation shall not fall as you had planned. For though you have sought to cripple her strength and thus bring her crashing down to her knees, America shall remain standing as a free agent, because you have not been given the authority to assert your full dominion over her.

Therefore, just as it was with the Tower of Babel, so it shall be again. For My hand will move against those who have listened to you, Nachash, and who are seeking to build for themselves high seats of power; which if allowed to continue, would eventually lead to world domination. And so I shall scatter their plans, causing utter confusion to dwell amongst them, which, in turn, will prevent this seditious lot from gaining the needed momentum to completely overthrow this nation’s government; which has been your aim since her inception, you wicked serpent.

Hear Me, Nachash, though you thought this nation to be easy prey that could quickly be snatched away, you discounted the resilience of the remnant who dwell upon her shores, thinking these freedom fighters would put up little resistance to your assault on My Sovereignty. Ah, but weren’t you surprised when seeing their resolve, having been unable to dissuade these warriors even with a prolonged battle, as you underestimated their loyalty and dedication to My cause. Therefore it shall be you, Nachash, who flees the fight, as very soon you shall realize the odds of winning are not in your favor.

Yet with vengeful anger shall you lash out, leaving a trail of destruction in your wake, turning your fury even upon those who were in league with your evil scheme. For within you, Nachash, there resides no honor, only deceit. 

See then, you vile serpent, the unraveling of your plot has already begun. For though you sought to exalt yourself and thereby delay the inevitable, this shall never be, as I AM and will always be Elohim, the Most High King; and as such, you are still subject to Me.


“How you are fallen from heaven, O Day Star, son of Dawn! How you are cut down to the ground, you who laid the nations low! You said in your heart, ‘I will ascend to heaven; above the stars of God I will set my throne on high; I will sit on the mount of assembly in the far reaches of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.’ But you are brought down to Sheol, to the far reaches of the pit.” Isaiah 14:12-15

(Received: 7/6/2022)

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