Sweeping Justice

by Lori Anne Hale
He is able to stop any evil pot of the enemy because God reigns supreme over everything from Sweeping Justice | My Daily Letters - MDL

Have the righteous forgotten who is their one true King? Must they be reminded again of Who it is that holds the real authority over Heaven and Earth? Then because it is true that I reign Supreme over what was, what is, and what shall be, does there exist any evil plot concocted by the enemy, or man, that I cannot stop?

Therefore, what are the plans of man to Me? For no one can impede My hand of justice as it moves across this land! For like a roaring Lion, I have come to devour the iniquitous works found in this nation, along with the deplorable deeds of her leaders.

Oh, how the mighty have fallen, those who have erected themselves on high seats over this country and her people. Surely those who oppose the will of the Most High shall indeed be cut down; for like grass, these evildoers have sprouted and their ways have flourished, but I am not content to leave these seated in their lofty positions any longer.

Then brace yourselves, for when My justice sweeps over this nation, it shall be like a thunderous clap, one so loud and intense, that the windows and rooftops of your dwellings shall rattle because of it’s force and power. Yet, My Beloved needn’t be afraid of the coming days, for the justice I bring is not dispensed as it is with man’s laws, because all that I do is predicated in love, with the hope of redeeming the lost.

Therefore do not see this season as one of vengeance that will be filled with the fiery brimstones of My wrath. Although My eye has been upon this nation, what I have surmised is that she has fallen out of alignment with My good and perfect will, which is why, using My perfect discernment, I saw it was necessary for her people to walk through a time of “correction”.

Dear Ones, do not fear the ensuing storm that has come like a fierce tempest, threatening to destroy this sovereign nation, for the wind and the waves still bow to My name.

So rejoice all you peoples of this fair land, for I, the King of glory, have come to restore a sense of dignity and honor to your country once again.

“Then I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse! The one sitting on it is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness, He judges and makes war. “ Revelation 19:11

(Received: 11/9/2020)

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