
by Lori Anne Hale
To the other ide will walk one who was thought to be loyal as a Turncoat | My Daily Letters - MDL

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A turncoat shall emerge and take down the entire lot, those usurpers of My Sovereign Will. For though these cowards thought no penalty would be issued for their offenses, they are mistaken, as I have every intention of holding them accountable for their crimes against this nation.

Then one who was thought to be loyal will walk to the other side and disclose all that he knows, becoming a huge liability for those who perpetrated this evil scheme. Yet nothing they can do will prevent the damaging testimony that shall come from this defector, as these words shall hang in the atmosphere like a dark bank of clouds that is resting just above this country’s surface. And, therefore, it shall be that this conspirator will turn “State’s Evidence”, so as not to receive the full punishment that is due.

Then just as rodents scatter when discovered, so, too, shall those tied to this plot run, hoping to find a secure hiding spot; however, none shall be found, as there is not a single recess or crevice deep enough to protect them from Me.

So watch as this deserter finally comes forward to tell the truth. For this testimony shall start a legal cascade, where one right after the other is brought up on charges reserved for traitors. And while some may escape a harsher sentence by making plea deals, they will still, ultimately, answer to Me.

Therefore, stand and contend for the soul’s of these seditionists, for among them dwell a few of My children, those who have yet to set their feet upon My redemptive path. So do not despise those caught in this dark web. Instead, let your hearts be led by compassion for these who have been ensnared by the enemy’s lies. Don’t be like the heathen who desires revenge and vindication. Lay aside any of these thoughts, as those from My Kingdom should approach every person and circumstance with the same attitude found in My Son: always abounding with forgiveness and love.

So then, follow His example, even with these who have done great wickedness in your nation, for it could be that a few will repent from their sins and then be joined to My fold.

“Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord. On the contrary: “If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head.” Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” -Romans 12:19-21

(Received: 6/29/2021)

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