Oh, Give Thanks Unto The Lord

by Lori Anne Hale
Marvelous things He has done from Oh, Give Thanks Unto The Lord | My Daily Letters - MDL

Rise up and sing you lovers of God, magnify His name, for He is the only good and perfect King! Who else but He deserves all honor and acclaim, for indeed He has done marvelous things! 

Oh, give thanks unto the Lord!

Then declare far and wide, and to all who will listen of His kindness towards man. For in Him, the destitute and the orphaned finally have a home. 

Oh, give thanks unto the Lord!

Come and see, come and see you children of Zion, the wondrous works He is doing in your midst. For across every nation, tribe, and tongue shall rivers of His glory abound. 

Oh, give thanks unto the Lord!

Then with joyous shouts and grateful hearts let the banners of your praise be lifted, as the one known as “Redeemer” has chosen to bestow upon this generation a blessing of immeasurable consequence, for the repercussion of its unfolding shall envelop the entire earth.

Oh, give thanks unto the Lord!

So with songs of adoration laid as the fine tapestry upon the threshold of His realm, usher in the presence of the Lord, for He is eager to greet those who will welcome Him in!

Oh, give thanks unto the Lord!

Then the time to lament has passed, for now is the hour of jubilation! So cast off your mourning clothes and weep no more, because the God who is merciful and just shall soon descend from the Heavens to release a mighty display of His power upon all who inhabit the world.

Oh, give thanks unto the Lord!

With thunderous applause and loud exultation make your praise heard! Rejoice and be glad you who belong to the household of God, for surely you are about to experience an unprecedented encounter of My goodness!

So give thanks, give thanks, give thanks to My name alone, for this highly anticipated supernatural event is fast approaching! It shall yet first manifest within the Church, amongst those who are known to Me as the true Ekklesia.

Oh, give thanks unto the Lord!


“Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever! Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, whom he has redeemed from trouble, and gathered in from the lands, from the East and from the West, from the North and from the South.” Psalm 107:1-3

(Received: 4/16/2022)

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