Bitter Are The Waters

by Lori Anne Hale
On the heads of the enemy it is God who shall bring destruction from Bitter Are The Waters | My Daily Letters - MDL

The ramparts of Independence shall stand even though right now it appears as if this nation has fallen into enemy hands. For while what many fought to obtain is now being threatened into extinction, this wall of liberty was solidly formed, built upon the ideals that every man has the right to freedom.

So, even if it looks as if this coup has been successful, with preparations now fast underway to install the next leader, let not your eyes be deceived, for I still rule and reign over this nation.

Because those who are engaged in the good fight of faith entreated Me for help to rescue their land, I shall continue to stand on her ground as sovereign Lord, which is why those evil foes who pushed this insurrection shall be swallowed up in the sea of their own rebellion. For confusion shall continue to rain down on their heads, causing infighting and turmoil to rise in their ranks, as these shall soon turn in upon themselves bringing their own destruction.

Bitter are the waters these shall swallow, drunk from the cup of ruination, for great shall be the trouble of those who sought to break the original covenant I had made with the founders of this nation.

Therefore, let all who are with Me remain standing, aligned with this solemn oath, for this land was established to be a seedbed of faith, where the truth gleaned from her fields could be sent out to propagate in other nations.

Then with resolute hearts remain committed to My Kingdom’s cause, for to see the Gospel of Christ spread to every kindred, tongue, people, and nation is still the greater call of My children.

“After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands…”   -Revelation 7:9

(Received: 1/12/2021/)

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