Stay The Course

by Lori Anne Hale
With even a small battalion of faithful believers God can win the battle from Stay The Course | My Daily Letters - MDL

It’s not the number of warriors in the battle that turns the war, but it’s about those who fight in alignment with the Father’s will. For those who remain positioned correctly shall bring the most successful warfare down upon the enemy’s head.

So do not count the shrinking number of soldiers still holding the line as a disadvantage. For just as it was with Gideon, the enemy was defeated by a much smaller battalion then had originally been enlisted. This is because I don’t need the strength of a large garrison to win any campaign, since it is My power and might that ultimately triumphs over every dark spirit or evil foe.

Then, let none be found in a troubled state when it appears your ranks are depleted, for again, the size of My army does not matter when facing down the enemy. It is, however, the strategic prayers offered by My faithful ones: those who sought out My battle plans for re-taking the ground the enemy had claimed as his own, that creates the right atmosphere to achieve success. 

Therefore be encouraged this day! Though the battle rages on, if you will stay the course and remain committed to My cause, even when many of your brethren have holstered their swords and abandoned the field, you shall see My promises fulfilled; yet not because our numbers outmatched the enemy’s lines, but because you who were willing followed My commands until the very end of this campaign.

Now more than ever, hold true to your position, no matter what other believers may say or do. Then, just like Gideon’s few, some of you shall bear the burden of contending in this battle for it’s full duration. For when I called out to My ranks, saying “This day we will fight!”, it was you who were numbered amongst My fiercest warriors, determined in your hearts to remain faithful to this engagement until you hear Me state, “It is finished!”.

Then, stand confident in the One who is leading the charge, for surely I shall put a stop to this evil plot to steal America’s freedom.

“And the LORD said unto Gideon, By the three hundred men that lapped will I save you, and deliver the Midianites into thine hand: and let all the [other] people go every man unto his place.” Judges 7:7

(Received: 12/8/2020)

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