A Trustworthy Father

by Lori Anne Hale
The power to bring back to life that which is dead has Gods hand as A Trustworthy Father | My Daily Letters - MDL

If the sealed tomb could not contain My Son’s resurrected body, then what can man ever do to circumvent My will?

So though some might think evil has triumphed after witnessing the events of the past days unfold, and that surely the death of this republic is upon them, even if this were true, doesn’t My hand hold the power to bring back to life that which is dead? And so while these smug leaders prepare to hammer the final nail into liberty’s coffin, they have yet to be apprehended by My hand of justice.

Then just like the soldiers assigned to guard My Son’s grave were caught unaware (for no one anticipated the stone being rolled away, nor an empty tomb), so too shall many now be surprised as I once again do the miraculous.

Don’t forget, dear ones, you serve the God of the impossible, which is why you should not give up trusting Me now, for I have proven Myself, time and again, as being a trustworthy Father. Don’t forget My fine accomplishments and consider My impeccable reputation, for these thoughts should fill you with the confidence to stand in faith just a bit longer.

Therefore don’t allow your hearts to be troubled by what you hear coming from Washington, for very little truth is ever spoken by any who hail from that region. Instead focus upon whatever is true, noble, and praiseworthy, for one who runs after these Kingdom ideals shall not be found in a state of unbelief, nor filled with despair.

“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.”  Philippians 4:8

(Received: 1/14/2021)

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