Charming The Masses

by Lori Anne Hale
Obama slithered into national prominence like a snake from Charming The Masses | My Daily Letters - MDL

Like a snake did you slither into this garden, curling through every branch seeking those you could possess. For with a ‘split tongue’ have you spoken words meant to captivate as well as deceive, charming the masses and making fools of many.

Ah, but cloaked behind your charismatic smile lies a heart filled with evil intent, for you have lent your soul to Satan who has no plans of giving it back. And so, in wickedness do you persist day and night, for it is with blasphemy and rebellion that you have made your bed. With derision do you greet the people, though upon you is lacquered a fake veneer of goodwill, as it is only contempt that you hold for this nation called “America”, all the while greedily consuming her generosity.

Then with a puffed chest have you risen your head, as arrogance and conceit are now your constant companions, and therefore, sound judgment escapes you, as self-importance has clouded your sight.

So like a venomous serpent that is ready to strike, have you hidden behind the tall weeds of corruption, thereby somewhat concealing your movements. Yet the poisonous rhetoric dripping from your fangs is obvious, as the toxin you spew has brought the ugliness of division where the beauty of unity should be found flourishing.

Then down from the lofty pinnacle of pride shall you fall, for My judgment has been rendered upon you, Obama. And so “just like that” shall you vanish from sight, for your prominence was simply a mirage that will suddenly disappear because you sought to make yourself king, though this title was not yours to claim.

And so it is your own vanity that shall bring your downfall, as you have thought yourself to be beyond reproach, and therefore, have already stumbled into a deep pit; one that is inescapable. For you, Obama, have for too long, sought to overthrow My Sovereignty, and thus position yourself as a global ruler over this world.

Then suddenly I shall strike you down, for you came to usurp My Authority, but, I shall lay claim to yours instead. See then that your days of preening about before an adoring public are coming to an end, as soon, very few will even remember your name. 


“The highway of the upright avoids evil; those who guard their ways preserve their lives. Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall. Better to be lowly in spirit along with the oppressed than to share plunder with the proud.” Proverbs 16:17-19

(Received: 4/24/2022)

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