Declare Yourselves Victors

by Lori Anne Hale
In the identity God has spoken over them believers should stand so Declare Yourselves Victors | My Daily Letters - MDL

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Make no mistake, what I have spoken shall be, for those who entered this unlawful pact with the enemy cannot hide from Me no matter how thick of a barricade they build.

And so while they are moving very quickly to fully implement their scheme, My hand shall fall, preventing them from seeing America absorbed into a globalized government, where a single entity decides what is best for the multitudes of the world. Then, as if the floor underneath their feet suddenly titled, each from this rebellious lot will lose what they thought was sure footing, for I am the only foundation that is truly sound. So unless an individual has anchored themselves here, their life will always be in an unbalanced state due to the weight of their sin.

So like someone whose pack is too heavy, they have piled a heavier load of iniquity upon their shoulders, which will be unsustainable once the full measure of My justice falls upon them.

Yet who among My children is still to be found interceding on behalf of their nation? Since most have abandoned their posts, should I also turn My back on this battle?

Thankfully for the Church that dwells upon these shores, there is a small contingency which still believes I am able to deliver upon My promises, for these faithful ones know that My ways are unlike their own, and so have held their ground determined to fight until this battle is won.

Then let those who are still with Me stand strong, and shake off every lie the enemy has spoken over this campaign. Instead, declare yourselves “Victors!” in agreement with who I have called you to be.

Therefore “victor”, and only “victor”, is the title any from My ranks should bear, since each one is eternally positioned in the Son, which means that they possess His same authority over the dark works of the enemy. So from this day forward let none who are Mine see themselves from a lesser position, for you have dominion, even now, to tear down this fortress of evil being built in your nation.

So with words of agreement proclaim yourselves “victors” thereby resisting the devil’s assault against your identity, and challenge his permission to hold the ground he has stolen, for he can only remain if My children allow him to stay. 

Then, don’t just spend your days grumbling about the election or what is happening in Washington, put your voice to good use by uttering prayers of warfare, and run out this evil force that has invaded your land.

“For the LORD your God is the one who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory.” Deuteronomy 20:4

(Received: 2/1/2021)

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