Everlasting Bounty

by Lori Anne Hale
The Good News they carry in their hearts believers should look for every opportunity to share as an Everlasting Bounty | My Daily Letters - MDL

When the last trumpet sounds and the dead are raised, who will be left to deny that I am the Sovereign King over everything? Who can then say that I do not exist?

Then indeed in this season, while there is still time for this generation of man, let My coming Kingdom be preached along the highways and byways of this world. Let all who are called my sons and daughters speak the Truth to those who will listen, for during these days I have called for a great revival, where a large multitude shall be added to the Church.

Let none neglect this charge, as unto each of you has been given this commission. Look for every opportunity, therefore, to demonstrate My love, whether it be a stranger or neighbor, friend, or family; do not withhold the Good News you carry in your hearts. Declare to this world the treasure you have found when you encountered My Son, for this everlasting bounty was not meant to be hidden, but shared by those who have been adopted into the humble assembly of My brethren.

So walk as those who are worthy of this call. Let your hearts burn with a passion for those who are perishing, so that many more escape the fiery pit. Understand that you have been chosen to stand as Ambassadors from My otherworldly Realm: that glorious land where the struggles of this life are forgotten, and where those who stand approved shall be completely enraptured by My Majesty and Glory, leaving no place for thoughts of this lesser life.


“Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed.” -1 Corinthians 15:51-52

(Received: 5/25/2021)

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