Fault Line

by Lori Anne Hale
Economically, physically and spiritually this Golden State shall be shaken from Fault Line | My Daily Letters - MDL

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There is a crack that runs through this state, a fault line which causes tremors and earthquakes to be felt in this region.

Although for years some in the scientific community have predicted seismic activity that would cause massive damage to this region, nothing of this magnitude has yet to manifest on a grand scale. But that does not mean this Golden State is out of the woods, for while there are certainly rumblings happening in the spiritual realm, so, too, shall this fault line begin to shake, causing some communities to be adversely affected due to intense tremors and aftershocks.

This natural disaster will only add to the hardship known to the population, for many have not recovered financially from the pandemics’ negative effects on the economy. Yet because the leadership of this Golden State is linked to the true insurrection, they have gone along with the plan to fundamentally change America; which is the reason this Golden State shall continue to decline. As the cost of living goes up, many more shall pack up their families and leave hoping to find greener pastures in another state. With overspending and a smaller workforce, this Golden State cannot afford to be hit with another crisis; yet these circumstances will not prevent the shaking from coming.

And so just as the recent wildfires were mismanaged, the government’s response to these earthquakes shall miss the mark, as not a one in this state’s leadership actually considered this to be a possibility, and therefore, they are ill prepared to effectively respond to this crisis.

Then those of My own who dwell in this region must step up and help their fellow citizens, for in an instant, some will literally have their roofs cave in upon their heads. Therefore, open your homes and your wallets so that those who are suffering encounter the love of Christ through your compassionate gestures.

Indeed this Golden State shall be shaken economically, physically, and spiritually, and for this reason there shall be many in need. Since the government in this region offers limited aid to its legal citizens, My children must not ignore the suffering they see. Therefore, even if you have very little, be generous, for I am able to sustain you even in times of crisis.

“If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person?” -1 John 3:17

(Received: 3/10/2021)

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