Fill Our Hearts With Thanksgiving

by Lori Anne Hale
The Lord who has saved this nation and brought a glorious end for her people believers should honor from Fill Your Hearts With Thanksgiving | My Daily Letters - MDL

It is the appearance of the ekklesia rising up in unified force that has summoned the victory from My hand, those determined warriors who would not settle for anything less than a triumphant end!

Then this nation has every reason to be thankful indeed, for the wicked who have risen up to seize power are already defeated. For I, your Champion, rode ahead to clear the path so My army would be sure to prevail in this battle.

So while it is today, let the real meaning of Thanksgiving fill your hearts, for though the traditional feast is the focus of the day’s celebration, when you who are called “sons and daughters” break bread, do so as those who are truly grateful, for My favor shall continue to uphold this nation, allowing the colors of freedom to remain proudly flying over her lands.

Therefore, honor My name, Jehovah-Hoshiah, the Lord who has saved this nation and brought a glorious end for her people!

“Now this I know: The Lord gives victory to his anointed. He answers him from his heavenly sanctuary with the victorious power of his right hand. Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God. They are brought to their knees and fall, but we rise up and stand firm. Lord, give victory to the king! Answer us when we call!” -Psalm 20:6-9

(Received: 11/26/2020)

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