Flames of Justice

by Lori Anne Hale
The weather vane of this nation will be sent spinning when the full force of Gods wind hits it from Flames Of Justice | My Daily Letters - MDL

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Then like a driving wind My hand shall come upon this nation and her people until she is positioned back into alignment with the vision I have spoken as her future.

Therefore do not be surprised when a bellowing current spreads across this land, pressing down on the populace, keeping them in an unsettled state, for I am not satisfied with the trajectory she now holds.

And so like a dry, hot desert wind that has suddenly picked up speed, I shall breathe from My mouth the flames of justice which have come to burn up the iniquitous works born from pride and rebellion.

Then this wind shall suddenly manifest, blowing persistently in its course and direction. Its pressure shall be unrelenting, causing many that are caught in its gust to tumble over, for the strength of My wind has the power to uncover even the sins men thought were safely hidden away.

Although the weather vane of this nation may have started moving due to some atmospheric shifts, when the full force of My wind hits, this aerometer will be sent spinning wildly out of control, for none shall impede My progression.

So choose you this day where you shall stand lest you, too, will be caught up in this wind, for some have, in their hearts, already sided with rebellion, and so will also be knocked off their feet. For even the shadows of this insurrection shall be swept away during these days of correction, leaving no trace of it behind.

Consider now: Who, being innocent, has ever perished? Where were the upright ever destroyed? As I have observed, those who plow evil and those who sow trouble reap it. At the breath of God they perish; at the blast of his anger they are no more.” -Job 4:7-9

(Received: 1/22/2021)

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