Free By Proxy

by Lori Anne Hale
To protect this national treasure those who understand freedom stood in the gap from Free By Proxy | My Daily Letters - MDL

Mercy has fallen upon those who are undeserving, for these shall partake of My divine blessing though they do not recognize Me as King.

My compassion for these has not been aroused by their own doing, since they sought to be ruled by man instead of the kind governance of their Creator. Yet those who joined their voices with the defiant leaders of this nation shall not be exiled from her lands, but will be recipients of My mercy, even if their rebellious hearts have not earned clemency from My wrath.

But how did these who are clearly unrepentant garner such kindness as to be included in My favor towards this land?

Have they not understood the ancient covenant I made with My people which proclaims that as long as a remnant of believers remains in this world I would not wipe mankind from existence? Therefore, it is My Beloved who dwell upon this soil which has kept their nation from becoming a desolate wasteland, operating under the barren ideas of secularism, where true life does not exist because any sprig of new growth is squashed under this heavy boot of governmental rule.

Then it is the ekklesia which has diverted this nation’s outcome, for My response to their cries was a resounding “yes!”. This is why even the defiant who dwell upon her land shall remain living in a privileged state, where they shall continue to walk freely, and without the bondage of an oppressive government, one which seeks to control its people through fear & intimidation.

So let even the anarchists and the criminal alike be filled with gladness, for the Father above has spared them from the penalty all traitors pay, and so shall remain free citizens by proxy. For those who know and understand the value of freedom stood in the gap as protectors of this national treasure.

“Therefore He said He would destroy them— had not Moses, His chosen one, stood in the breach before Him, to turn away His wrath from destroying them.” -Psalm 106:23

(Received: 11/26/2020)

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