In These Coming Days

by Lori Anne Hale
Into a deeper place of abiding God is calling believers from In These Coming Days | My Daily Letters - MDL

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It is how an individual interprets My words, whether spoken or written, that leads to false doctrines. For it is not by the use of one’s own intellect or knowledge that My true meaning can be deciphered, as divine understanding is only ever known when Holy Spirit illuminates the truth: those hidden meanings that are just waiting to be discovered.

So while it has become common practice in this day for most believers to trust in their own faculties when attempting to gain deeper insight about what I am communicating to My Body, this must no longer be the norm. For in the days to come there shall arise a surge of false teachers and prophets who will dupe many into following their distorted views of not only the Scriptures, but of what I am also currently speaking to the Church.

Then to keep from being pulled by every wind of doctrine (those originating from human craftiness), each believer must take a greater interest in their own spiritual development, and thereby quickly cast off any immature thinking, as I have come to accelerate their internal growth in this season. This rapid increase in eternal wisdom, however, shall be imparted to those who earnestly seek Me, for I am pleased to lavish a greater understanding of My Kingdom ways upon those who desire to know Me on a more intimate level.

Then, in this late hour, let all who long for a closer relationship with Me run to My altar and surrender your hearts once again to the One who has saved you, pressing in until you break through into that deeper place of abiding, as it is in this space of cohabitation that you shall receive an increase in Godly wisdom and discernment, thus enabling you to quickly detect a wolf lurking among My sheep.

So do not be satisfied with our relationship just as it is, for I tell you that navigating the days ahead shall require believers to be more cunning and shrewd, as a heightened supernatural awareness will be a much-needed weapon in these coming days.



“And many false prophets will arise and lead many astray. And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold; but the one who endures to the end will be saved.  And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony unto all nations, and then the end will come.” – Matthew 24:11-14

(Received: 10/13/2021)

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