Justice And Vindication

by Lori Anne Hale
Against the enemy the Lord will execute judgement with Justice And Vindication | My Daily Letters - MDL

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“Prepare ye the way of the Lord”, for from on high I have come to level the uneven ground and tear down those mountains made by the hands of man. Then rejoice all you inhabitants of Zion, for surely My Kingdom shall prevail because I hold the ‘swords of triumph and victory’ in My hands.

Therefore, upon My magnificent steed, I shall ride in and strike down those bent on destruction, for any who have plotted with the enemy in this current act of rebellion shall soon know the full force of My rebuke as I execute judgment upon their lives, for they have whored themselves out like prostitutes at the altars of Baal and Mammon.

So there, off in the distance, your Champion can be seen out in front with His swords raised leading the charge, for the hour has arrived to vanquish the demonic force now attacking not only this nation, but also the world. Although this battle shall soon turn in the unseen, in the physical realm, the societal tension now present shall persist. However, don’t be concerned when this pressure intensifies, as this is only evidence that the enemy has become frantic as he can sense his defeat is imminent.

Then, you who are called “Beloved”, don’t allow your sights to rest upon the chaos and confusion of this temporal world. Instead, lift your gaze higher and fix it above the horizon. For the King of Glory, the One whose name is “Faithful”, is fast approaching, bringing with Him justice and vindication.

So, “Rejoice”! And again I say, “Rejoice”! For the enemy that is troubling you today shall not be around for much longer.

Then declare with a loud voice, “The battle is won!”, for the Lord your God has already overcome!

“When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles.” Psalm 34:17

(Received: 9/22/2021)

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