The Highland Path

by Lori Anne Hale
To discover His presence God asks believers to journey a vertical ascent on The Highland Path | My Daily Letters - MDL

To attain the higher ground of My presence, I ask believers to embark on a journey of vertical ascent, for to move onward upon this trek is always upward, as My dwelling place exists far beyond all that is plainly seen by man.

However, traveling this mountainous terrain requires committed climbers, those who long to stand atop the towering pinnacles of faith, where their view is no longer obscured by the low mounds of unbelief. There is a cost involved when choosing to maintain this path, since the continuation up towards My soaring plateaus means traveling with a lighter load, and any who attempt climbing higher with a full pack won’t have the spiritual stamina to get very far. This is why each one who longs to continue ascending must empty themselves of every care and burden, those worldly thoughts and behaviors that have only served to impede their progress.

Then none who belong to Me should ever be content to remain stationary on our expedition, for I intended our journey to be an exploration of discovery, where My children gain greater insight about My Kingdom culture, thus becoming a living expression of its statutes while still inhabiting the earth. But not from a religious or legalistic position, for the message I speak is of love and freedom, and so should be echoed, not just by mere words, but in the very life of every believer.

Therefore, let each one who is willing to climb further up this mountain of My presence examine where they are standing now. Let them take off their pack and eliminate the unnecessary concerns they carry: ones of limited thinking held by those who are still overly bound to this world. For to scale the highland path means casting off the immature mindset which promotes self-sufficiency because this climb involves relying solely upon Me for guidance.

So let none be dissuaded from joining Me on this upward journey, for though the climb may seem challenging at times, the further up you go, the deeper into My presence you shall be.

“Who may ascend the mountain of the Lord? Who may stand in his holy place? The one who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not trust in an idol or swear by a false god.” Psalm 24:3-4

(Received: 2/6/2021)

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