The Promised Outcome

by Lori Anne Hale
On this battle many wayward soldiers have given up and already called it quits from The Promised Outcome | My Daily Letters - MDL

When a soldier runs headlong into battle without being well-versed in the use of his armament, sadly, his chances of survival are slim, for the weapons he was given were not only meant as protection, but also as aids to advance the General’s cause.

So when those who are still wet behind the ears step out onto the battlefield, the enemy already has them at a disadvantage, for without thorough training, what soldier can know how to wield his shield and sword from the higher position of an offensive stance?

And so it is no wonder that many are those who have already fallen in the current battle being waged on America’s shores, as these who were enlisted to fight had little understanding of what it would take to actually win back the ground stolen by the enemy. So while these immature troops began this campaign eager to wage war, weariness quickly overtook their hearts when they saw that the enemy’s efforts were not immediately halted. But since they did not take their assignment to My ranks seriously, they came ill-prepared for the battle; some entering combat without any armament at all, making them easy targets for the enemy to take out.

Unfortunately, many in My ranks are not strong in warfare, so instead of raising their weapons with the attitude of victors, most are hunched over just trying to fend off the enemy’s continuing blows. And without seeing much headway being made in the physical campaign, these wayward soldiers have simply given up and called it quits.

Ah, but when I decide it is time to wage war in the unseen, this is not how success is ultimately measured. Therefore, none should resign from this conflict because they have judged it from an outward appearance, for it is victory over man’s real enemy that must be counted as the triumph.

Then with this vision laid before you, raise your shield and sword, then charge forward against his lies and grab hold of the promised outcome of this campaign.

“Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:13-14

(Received: 1/15/2021)

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