That Sense Of National Unity

by Lori Anne Hale
To America the Lord wants to restore solidarity from The Sense Of National Unity | My Daily Letters - MDL

[(Vision: I saw the number 911, but in giant form; then the number 9 fell off, and only the number 11 was left standing; suddenly becoming the twin towers just as the first plane crashed into one of the buildings.) Also, the meaning of the number eleven is important in that it can symbolize disorder, chaos, and judgment.]

Has America already forgotten the significance of this date? Shall it, too, just become another moment from her history that is simply passed over by most, along with the lessons that should have been learned as a society?

Oh, how quickly did the unity forged on that fateful day fade away, as partisanship soon reared its ugly head to once again reassert party lines. For a divided nation serves best the interests of the political class, knowing that a unified people could easily overthrow their power and set ‘in charge’ those who are not beholden to either side of the aisle. Yet how easily were the American people fooled, as the rhetoric which was spewed during those days of national mourning was designed to cause deep rifts of division within this nation, heightening, in many, the sense of hostility already present towards those with opposing political views.

And so what started out as a fissure has become a wide chasm, formed by years of bigotry and bias. For when that generation allowed those voices who make a business out of spreading propaganda into their homes, they gave room for a divisive spirit to enter as well, one who breeds hostility and contempt for others. Although it was My intention to see the national unity that had sprung forth strengthen and grow, the lies told by politicians worked like wedges, bringing separation, and squelching any bipartisanship that had formed within the citizenry.

Perhaps though, a few will recall that in those hours of shock and horror there was a pause, for just an instant, in the war of politics, where all were regarded as simply Americans, as any prejudice was forgotten at the sight of those twin towers crumbling to the ground. Ah, but who can resurrect from the past that sense of national unity, where common decency was shown even to those thought of as rivals, and where a person’s humanity was regarded as more important than their political views?

However, America is still being duped as before by many of those same politicians. And so instead of upholding the will of the people, it’s these bureaucrats who are deciding the national agenda by pushing forward issues in the public square that are meant to generate controversy, thus keeping this nation divided. Oh, when will this people stop putting so much stock in the conclusions of politicians and those who decry the evil intent of the opposite party? For it is with venomous words that they go about spewing slanderous accusations where all can hear until these false allegations are taken to be factual by the listening public.

Then, with this understanding (that most politicians cannot be trusted), let this people close their ears to any message which pits neighbor against neighbor, and seeks to pin the label of “enemy” upon their fellow Americans. These ideas must be ardently rejected, and those politicians who promote that agenda should be thrown out of office as, clearly, their aim is to undermine this Republic by keeping her people at odds with each other.

So though 911 should be regarded as a solemn occasion, within its tragic story lies the proof that the people of this nation are able to put aside their differences in order to serve the greater good. Therefore, stop listening to all the divisive chatter which seeks to tear down and destroy the individual. Instead, focus upon the intrinsic value of all others, remembering that the worth of their personhood is not weighed by their political leanings.

“A troublemaker and a villain, who goes about with a corrupt mouth, who winks maliciously with his eye, signals with his feet and motions with his fingers,  who plots evil with deceit in his heart— he always stirs up conflict. Therefore disaster will overtake him in an instant; he will suddenly be destroyed—without remedy.” Proverbs 6:12-15

(Received: 9/11/2022)

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