The Slumbering Are Aroused

by Lori Anne Hale
The sleeping shall waken due to the mounting atmospheric tension from The Slumbering Are Aroused | My Daily Letters - MDL

In these last days there shall be wars and rumors of wars, for there is evil in the hearts of man, as some who rise up to rule are seduced by their own power, and so are bent on dominating the world, determined to increase the borders of their authority. Yet My own needn’t be caught off guard when this news reaches their ears, for widespread global upheaval must occur before the final day is ushered in.

And while many have speculated about the current season, concluding that surely the end has arrived for mankind, these have discerned the times incorrectly, for there are still many more generations that shall walk the earth.

Then the tensions being felt right now across the world are only the birthing pangs of the coming revival, for without these added political and societal stressors, the promised resurgence could not manifest, as those who live in relative comfort and peace cannot see their need for a Savior. Yet when livelihoods are threatened and personal freedoms restricted, suddenly the slumbering are aroused. For when the rights they took for granted began to vanish, any feelings of security went, too, as this is the result of misplaced trust and self-reliance, leaving them with but a sense of uncertainty about their future. And so as the mounting national and global tensions increase, more who have been sleeping shall awaken, and seek out a sound place of refuge from the ensuing storm. 

Then see, there is a higher purpose in effect, for My hand is driving the spiritual atmosphere so that conditions develop which are perfect for a great resurgence to manifest upon the earth. And although your lives shall surely feel the added pressure as this Great Awakening is birthed, do not become alarmed nor resort to panic. Instead, keep your eye on the prize, which is the promise of a worldwide harvest. 

Therefore be unmoved in your faith, unwilling to yield any ground to the voice of doubt. Resolve in your hearts to stand firm as adversity does its work. For you who hold fast to Me and do not turn aside, shall be duly rewarded.


“Jesus answered: “Watch out that no one deceives you. For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Messiah,’ and will deceive many. You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come.  Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places.  All these are the beginning of birth pains.” Matthew 24:4-8

(Received: 2/19/2022)

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