The Stench Of Betrayal

by Lori Anne Hale
In Washington the self-serving bureaucrats have begun turning on each other generating The Stench Of Betrayal | My Daily Letters - MDL

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Then the stench of betrayal has filled My nostrils as these self-serving bureaucrats have begun turning on each other, for these are only loyal to their own quest for power, and their one true allegiance is to themselves alone.

So like a pack of ravenous hyenas who are starved of prey, this traitorous lot has plans to limit their numbers, lessening the competition so that, eventually, only one will rise as top dog.

And so the ripping and shredding of reputations is well underway, as the more devious amongst this evil bunch plot to destroy their fellow conspirators. This is why the word of a liar should never be trusted, since he has no intention of making good on his agreements unless it benefits him at the moment.

Then unto the altars of greed and power these shall be offered once their usefulness has expired. Yet who among these traitors can cry fowl when they are cast onto these fires of betrayal, for how can one who has planted his field with the seeds of corruption expect to harvest anything but disgrace and shame?

And so much wickedness shall be uncovered in the coming days as My hand brings down the altars of Baal, Moloch, and Mammon: these graven images where many of the elite in America bow and worship. These who have festooned themselves in the pompous garments of idolatry will be stripped bare as their dark deeds are exposed for all to see. This upheaval among their leaders shall cause an unsettling atmosphere to rest upon the nation, for great shall be the disturbance in Washington.

But let not your hearts become jubilant when you see the wicked fall, for none of Mine should be glad when the unrepentant perish. Instead, cry out that some in this treacherous lot are spared the pit, for I have seen a few among them whose hearts are still able to know salvation.

So pray that when these leaders are brought down, they land on their knees seeking forgiveness at My altar. For it is still true that in amongst the tax collectors, prostitutes, murderers, and thieves dwell those whom I have called to be My sons and daughters.

“Therefore, you kings, be wise; be warned, you rulers of the earth.  Serve the LORD with fear and celebrate his rule with trembling.” -Psalm 2:10-11

(Received: 3/1/2021)

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